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-Table I, exhibiting the financial situation of Great Britain, during a period of twenty years, supposing eleven millions to be borrowed annually・・・Table II, exhibiting a comparison of the increase of debt in each year by the new plan, beyond what would be incurred by the present plan... -
-The gallery of heroick women. Le Moyne, Pierre 
-Navy-bills, &c. Gt. Brit. Navy John Hemming 
-Lauderdale collection handwritten catalogue: with entries arranged chronologically, together with some undated pamphlets. 1700 to 1760. Lauderdale, James Maitland, 8th earl of,  
-The Morning chronicle. No. 8475. London, Thursday, December 8, 1796. -
-Lauderdale collection handwritten catalogue: with entries arranged chronologically, together with some undated pamphlets. 1776 to 1813. Lauderdale, James Maitland, 8th earl of,  
-[Bigins:] 5° Maii. And the same being read accordingly; Ordered, that leave be given to bring in a bill to explain, amend, and render more effectual, the said Act -
-Finance. 26th February 1807. Gt. Brit. Treasury 
-Parliamentary debates. Gt. Brit. Parliament, House of Commons 
-Terms of the public loans during the war. -
-Resolutions of the House of Commons on the income tax. Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Commons. 
-The Times. London. No. 4050. Saturday, November 25, 1797. -
-Papers made out before the budget Decemb. 1796 was opened. -
-Lauderdale collection handwritten catalogue: with entries arranged chronologically, together with some undated pamphlets. 1761 to 1814. Lauderdale, James Maitland, 8th earl of,  
-Index. Accounts and papers. Presented to the House;-relating to, viz. -
-A genuine and true journal of the most miraculous escape of the young Chevalier, from the battle of Culloden to his landing in France; taken from the mouths and journals of the very persons, who assisted him therein; partly wrote in London, and partly in Scotland. Burton, John 
-Lauderdale collection handwritten catalogue: with entries arranged chronologically, together with some undated pamphlets. 1562 to 1805. Lauderdale, James Maitland, 8th earl of,  
-[Begins:] 8゜ Decembris. Saint Dunstan's cross, near the city of Canterbury, in the county of Kent, and for amending and widening the road from the present turnpike road -
-[Begins:] 27° Aprilis. Bill for taking off the bounty now payable on sail cloth and canvas exported to Ireland. -
-Begins: Anne R. Statutes and orders of the most ancient and most noble order of the thistle, revived by Her Majesty Anne... -
検索結果表示: 21 - 40 / 11137
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