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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11150/1365

その他の識別子: 目録240
請求番号: 331.314 D24di
著者: Davenant, Charles, 1656-1714
タイトル: Discourses on the public revenues, and on the trade of England. in two parts...by the author of the essay on ways and means...
出版地: London
出版者: Printed for J. Knapton
発行日: 1698
巻: 2v. fold. tables.
ページ数: pt. 1. 279, 62p.; pt. 2. 434, 64p.
注記: Title of vol. 2 slightly varies. Title within double line border. Contents.-pt. 1. I. Of the use of political arithemetick, in all considerations about the revenues and trade. II. On credit, and the means and methods by which it may be restored. III. On the management of the king's revenues. IV. Whither to farm the revenues, may not, in this. Juncture, be most for the publick service? V. On the publick debts and engagements. 279p. To which is added, A discourse upon improving the revenue of the state of Athens. 1697. 62p.-t. 2. I. That foreign trade is beneficial to England. II. On the protection and care of trade. III. On the plantation trade. IV. On the East-India trade. 434p. To which is added, The late essay on the East-India trade. By the same hand. [1697] 64p.
タイプ: Book
NII資源タイプ: Book


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