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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11150/1426

その他の識別子: 目録230
請求番号: 505.9 C87
著者: Coxe, Tench, 1755-1824.
タイトル: A series of tables of the several branches of American manufactures, exhibiting them in every county of the union, so far as they are returned in the reports of the marshals, and of the secretaries of the territories and of their respective assistants, in the autumn of the year 1810: together with returns of certain doubtful goods, productions of the soil and agricultural stock, so far as they have been received.
出版地: Philadelphia
出版者: [s.n.]
発行日: 1813
ページ数: 168p.
タイプ: Book
NII資源タイプ: Book


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