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東京経済大学人文自然科学論集 Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences >
127号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11150/506

タイトル: 英語科目におけるオブザベーションウィーク(相互授業参観)の試み
その他のタイトル: Introducing Peer Observation to English Courses at a Japanese University
著者: 小田, 登志子
土屋, 園子
Oda, Toshiko
Tsuchiya, Sonoko
抄録: The purpose of this article is to report the outcome and findings of a peer observation called “the Observation Week,” which was conducted by the English Group at Tokyo Keizai University for 3 years, from 2006 to 2008. During the Observation Week, all the English Communication I courses were open for free observation among English instructors. It was confirmed that the Observation Week provides valuable on the job training to teach small-sized conversation classes, which are not yet popular at Japanese universities. At the same time, it was pointed out that mutual trust among instructors is essential to successful peer observation.
出典: 人文自然科学論集 = The Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences
発行日: 2009年3月4日
出版者: 東京経済大学人文自然科学研究会
巻号: 127
開始頁: 41
終了頁: 57
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11150/506


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