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1799年An account, shewing how the money given for the service of the year 1798, has been disposed of; parts remaining unsatisfied, with the estimated surplus thereon, as far as the same can be made up. Gt. Brit. Treasury Joseph Alcock 
1800年An account, shewing how the money given for the service of the year 1799, has been disposed of; distinguished under the several heads, and the parts remaining unsatisfied, with the estimated surplus thereon. Gt. Brit. Treasury, Joseph Alcock 
1801年An account, shewing how the monies, given for the service of the year 1800, have been disposed of; distinguished under the several heads. Gt. Brit. Treasury, Joseph Alcock 
1796年An account, shewing to what purposes the money given for the service of the Army for the year 1795 was actually applied. Gt. Brit. Army Richard Molesworth 
1798年An account[s']・・・ Gt. Brit. Customs Establishment Thomas Irving 
1810年An accurate and authentic narrative of the origin and progess of the dissentions at the presidency of Madras: founded on original papers and correspondence. Buchan, George 
1799年An act (passed 10 May 1799,) for enlarging the times limited by certain acts passed for the redemption for the land tax, for receiving contracts and making transfers of stock thereon; and for explaining and amending the said acts. Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc., 1760-1820 (George III) 
1799年An act (passed 10th May 1799,) to enable the commercial commissioners to carry into execution certain acts, for granting duties upon income, to extend the time limited by the said acts for receiving returns of income; and for explaining and amending the said acts. Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc., 1760-1820 (George III) 
1799年An act (passed 21st March 1799,) for extending the time for returning statements under an act, passed in the present session of Parliament, intituled, An act to repeal the duties imposed by an act, made in the last session of Parliament, for granting an aid and contribution for the prosecution of the war; and to make more effectual provision for the like purpose, by granting certain duties upon income, in lieu of the said duties; and to amend the said act. Gt. Brit. Law, statutes, etc., 1760-1820 (George III) 
1781年An address from the Committee of Association of the county of York, to the electors of Great-Britain. Yorkshire, Eng. Committee of Association 
1774年An address to the artists and manufacturers of Great Britain; respecting an application to Parliament for the farther encouragement of new discoveries and inventions in the useful arts; to the facilitating future improvements in the produce, manufactures and commerce of these kingdoms. Kenrick, William 
1781年An address to the Committee of Association of the county of York, on the state of public affairs. Hartley, David 
1795年An address to the different classes of persons in Great Britain, on the present scarcity and high price of provisions. Hodson, Septimus 
1795年An address to the different classes of persons in Great Britain, on the present scarcity and high price of provisions. Hodson, Septimus 
1800年An address to the good sense and candour of the people, in behalf of the dealers in corn: with some few observations on a late trial for regrating. Turton, Sir Thomas, bart 
1826年An address to the Houses of Lords and Commons, in defence of the corn laws. Higgins, Godfrey 
1810年An address to the legislature of the United Kingdom of Great=Britain and Ireland. Van Voorst, John 
1739年An address to the merchants of Great-Britain: or, A review of the conduct of the administration, with regard to our trade and navigation: shewing how the trading interest have been impos'd upon by the enemies of the ministry: -
1780年An address to the people of England; on the increase of their poor rates, dedicated to the Earl of Shelburne. Burnby, John 
1828年An Address to the proprietors of bank stock, the London and country bankers and the public in general, on the affairs of the Bank of England -
検索結果表示: 1086 - 1105 / 11136
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