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1675年An answer to such motives as were offer'd by certain military-men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect arms more than peace. Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, bart 
1733年An Answer to the considerations, occasioned by the Craftman upon excise, so far as it relates to the tobacco trade. -
1736年An Answer to the country parson's plea against the Quakers Tythe-Bill. Lord Hervey Thomas Gordon 
1741年An answer to the pretended remarks on Mr. Webber's scheme, and the Draper's pamphlet; shewing that the remarker hath not made the least objection to the scheme London, John 
1711年An answer to the reasons against an African company, humbly submitted to the consideration of the patriots of Great Britain, in this present Parliament assembled. -
1810年An Answer to the strictures of the Quarterly review (no. 4), upon the letters of the Right Hon. G. Canning to Earl Camden... -
1809年An apology for His Royal Highness, the Duke of York, against the malignant charges preferred against him by a Mr. Wardle... Astraea, pseud 
1744年An Apology for the business of pawn-broking. pawn-broker [pseud.] 
1826年An Apology for the corn laws; or, High wages and cheap bread incompatible. -
1788年An apology to the public, for a continued intrusion on their notice; with an appeal to the free and independent proprietors of bank stock; demonstrating that it is highly proper for them to examine into the state of their affairs. Pickett, William 
1751年An appeal to facts; regarding the home trade and inland manufactures of Great Britain and Ireland. -
1747年An Appeal to the common sense of Scotsmen, especially those of the landed interest, and more especially freeholders, if their own conduct be not the source of their misery? -
1733年An Appeal to the landholders concerning the reasonableness and general benefit of an excise upon tobacco and wine. -
1795年An Appeal to the manufactures, on the present state of trade, &c... -
1742年An appeal to the people of England, the publick companies and monied interest, on the renewal of the charter of the bank. -
1797年An appeal to the people of Great Britain, on the present alarming state of the public finances, and of public credit ...3d ed. Morgan, William 
1808年An appeal to the public, and a farewell address to the Army, by Brevet-Major Hogan... 6th ed. Hogan, Denis 
1772年An appeal to the public, on the subject of the national debt. 2d ed. Price, Richard 
1774年An appeal to the public, on the subject of the national debt. A new edition. Price, Richard 
1736年An Appendix containing, forms of informations and judicial proceedings on the Act of Excise. -
検索結果表示: 1126 - 1145 / 11136
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