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1711年An essay upon the trade to Africa, in order to set the merits of that cause in a true light and being the disputes between the African company and the separate traders into a narrower compass. Defoe, Daniel 
1714年An Essay upon trade, and publick credit; shewing the advantages of the East-India prohibition, bankrupts affidavits, &c. -
1695年An essay upon ways and means of supplying the war. Davenant, Charles 
1728年An estimate of places for life: shewing how many years purchase a place for life is worth. Hayes, Richard 
1794年An estimate of the comparative strength of Great-Britain, during the present and four preceding reigns; and of the losses of her trade from every war since the Revolution. Chalmers, George 
1758年An estimate of the manners and principles of the times. Brown, John 
1718年An Estimate of the present national debt; to which is added A copy of remarks which were subjoined to some calculations made in April 1717. -
1720年An estimate of the value of South-Sea stock. Hutcheson, Archibald 
1720年An exact account of the charge for supporting the poor of the city of Norwich, contain'd in the following tables: viz. I. Tables of the yearly charge for maintenance of the poor ... Fransham, John 
1760年An exact table of fees of the courts at Westminster, as they were delivered in to Parliament: together with those of the clerks of the peace of Middlesex and Surrey; the clerk of assize of the home-circuit; and of the cursitors office ... Gt. Brit. Courts. 
1694年An exact table of fees, of all the courts at Westminster, as the same were, by orders of the several courts, carefully corrected, and diligently examin'd by records and ancient manuscripts... Gt. Brit. Courts. 
1720年An Examination and explanation of the South-Sea Company's scheme, for taking in the publick debts. -
1787年An examination of Mr. Pitt's plan for diminishing the public debts by means of a sinking fund. [Effingham, Thomas Howard] 3d earl of 
1787年An examination of Mr. Pitt's plan for diminishing the public debts by means of a sinking fund. [Effingham, Thomas Howard] 3d earl of 
1791年An examination of precedents and principles; from which it appears that an impeachment is determined by a dissolution of Parliament: with an appendix, in which all the precedents are collected. 2d ed. Christian, Edward 
1811年An examination of Sir John Sinclair's Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee, and on the general nature of coin or money, and the advantages of paper circulation. Hoare, Peter Richard 
1791年An examination of the expediency of continuing the present impeachment; by Ralph Broome. Broome, Ralph 
1733年An Examination of the late conduct of the ministry, with respect to the duties on tobacco and wine. -
1826年An Examination of the policy and tendency of relieving distressed manufacturers by public subscription: with some remarks on Lord Liverpool's recommendation of those distressed persons in a mass to the poor's rates, and some inquiry as to what law there exists wherewith to support His Lordship's recommendation. -
1810年An examination of the Report of the Bullion Committee: shewing that the present high price of bullion, together with the scarcity of gold coin, and also the low rate of the foreign exchanges, are not attributable to the issue of bank paper; and explaining what are the true causes by which these effects have been produced. Cock, Simon 
検索結果表示: 1286 - 1305 / 11136
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