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検索結果表示: 1306 - 1325 / 11136
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1800年An examination of the statutes now in force relating to the assize of bread; with remarks on the bill intended to be brought into Parliament by country bakers. Nasmith, James 
1788年An explanation of the mistaken principle on which the Commutation act was founded; and the nature of the mischiefs that must follow from a perseverance in it. Rous, Thomas Bates. 
1785年An explanation of the Proposal for the liquidation of the national debt... Blake, Sir Francis 
2018年12月5日An exploratory case study : Improvement of the ability to produce the rhythmic properties of English in a spontaneous speech task through long-term, individual-based speech training対馬, 輝昭; TSUSHIMA, Teruaki
2019年12月4日An exploratory case study on development of fluency and English speech rhythm through individual speech training and a study abroad program対馬, 輝昭; TSUSHIMA,Teruaki
1810年An Expose of the present ruinous system of town & country banks, and a sketch of a plan for the establishment of district banks, to be founded on principles that must effectually secure them from the risk of bankruptcy. -
1826年An exposition of fallacies on rent, tithes, &c. containing an examination of Mr. Ricardo's theory of rent and of the arguments brought against the conclusion that tithes and taxes on the land are paid by the landlords. Thompson, Thomas Perronet 
1810年An Exposition of the striking conformity of grievances complained of in the petitions of the freeholders of Middlesex in the years 1769 and 1810. -
1733年An historical account of all taxes, under what denomination soever; from the Conquest to the death of K. George the First, collected from the best historians, as well ancient as modern; likewise from many valuable manuscripts in the cotton and other libraries... 2d ed. Stevens, John 
1793年An historical account of English money, from the Conquest to the present time; including those of Scotland, from the accession of James I. to the union of the two kingdoms. 3rd ed. Leake, Stephen Martin 
1714年An historical account of the ancient and modern state of the principality of Wales, dutchy of Cornwal, and earldom of Chester. 2d ed. Doddridge, Sir John 
1703年An historical account of the antient rights and power of the Parliament of Scotland. Ridpath, George 
1762年An historical account of the naval power of France, from its first foundation to the present time. Massie, Joseph 
1728年An historical account of the old people's hospital, commonly called, the Trinity Hospital in Edinburgh; also, proposals how to raise a fond [sic] for the maintenance of windows and orphans, under the title of a charity-bank. Gairdner, Andrew 
1768年An historical dissertation concerning the antiquity of the English Constitution Stuart, Gilbert 
1725年An historical essay on the legislative power of England. St. Amand, George. 
1787年An historical view of the English government, from the settlement of the saxons in Britain to the accession of the house of Stewart. by John Millar…Miller, John, 1735-1801.
1828年An historical view of the Sinking Fund; in a letter addressed to the Earl of Carnarvon. Pusey, Philip, 
1764年An history of the Parliament of Great Britain, from the death of Queen Anne, to the death of King George II.  Almon, John 
1775年An humble address and earnest appeal to those respectable personages in Great Britain and Ireland, who, by their great and permanent interest in landed property, their liberal education, elevated rank, and enlarged views, are the ablest to judge, and the fittest to decide, whether a connection with, or a separation from the continental colonies of America, be most for the national advantage, and the lasting benefit of these kingdoms ... 2d ed. Tucker, Josiah 
検索結果表示: 1306 - 1325 / 11136
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