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検索結果表示: 1326 - 1345 / 11136
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1776年An humble address and earnest appeal to those respectable personages in Great Britain and Ireland, who, by their great and permanent interest in landed property, their liberal education, elevated rank, and enlarged views, are the ablest to judge, and the fittest to decide, whether a connection with, or a separation from the continental colonies of America, be most for the national advantage, and the lasting benefit of these kingdoms... 3d ed. Tucker, Josiah 
1733年An Humble address to the people of England.  -
1700年An Humble representation of the state of our woollen manufactures. -
1787年An Illustration of the principles of the bill, proposed to be submitted to the consideration of Parliament, for correcting the abuses and supplying the defects in the internal government of the Royal Boroughs, and in the manner of accounting for the property, annual revenues, and expenditure of the same, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. -
1791年An Impartial account of the conduct of the excise towards the breweries in Scotland, particularly in Edinburgh; pointing out the beneficial effects of the new mode of survey, by which several thousand pounds per annum have been already added to the revenue in the Edinburgh collection, and by which, if generally adopted through Scotland, many thousands more might be annually put into the exchequer, not only without detriment, but with advantage to the manufacturers. -
1684年An Impartial and full account of the life & death of the late unhappy William Lord Russel, eldest son and heir of the present Earl of Bedford, who was executed for high treason, July 21. 1683. in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. -
1733年An impartial enquiry into the late conduct of the city of London, relating to the Excise-bill. Common-Council-man 
1733年An Impartial enquiry into the present question concerning excise; in which the advantages arising to the King and subject, from raising duties by excise, are demonstrated, and the objections thereto obviated: to which is prefixed an introduction・・・ -
1736年An Impartial enquiry into the present state of the British distillery; plainly demonstrating the evil consequences of imposing any additional duties on British spirits 2d ed. -
1736年An Impartial enquiry into the present state of the British distillery; plainly demonstrating the evil consequences of imposing any additional duties on British spirits. -
1740年An Impartial enquiry into the properties of places and pensions, as they affect the Constitution. -
1720年An Impartial enquiry into the value of South-Sea stock. -
1752年An impartial examination of a pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on several proposals lately made for the better maintenance of the poor: with some serious and occasional animadversions on this important subject. Creed, Sir James 
1751年An impartial inquiry into the benefits and damages arising to the nation from the present very great use of low-priced spirituous liquors: with proper estimates thereupon, and some considerations humbly offered for preventing the introduction of foreign spirits not paying the duties. Tucker, Josiah 
1780年An Impartial representation of the case of the poor cotton spinners in Lancashire, &c. W.C. & R. M., i. e. Ralph Mather 
1766年An impartial view of English agriculture, from permitting the exportation of corn, in the year 1663, to the present time. 2d ed. -
1788年An important crisis, in the callico and muslin manufactory in Great Britain, explained. Colquhoun, Patrick 
1732年An infallible scheme to pay the publick debt of this nation in six months. Pilkington, Matthew 
1813年An inquiry concerning the rise and progress, the redemption and present state, and the management of the national debt of Great Brirain. Hamilton, Robert 
1808年An inquiry into the causes and consequences of the Orders in council; and an examination of the conduct of Great Britain towards the neutral commerce of America. Ashburton, Alexander Baring, 1st baron 
検索結果表示: 1326 - 1345 / 11136
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