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検索結果表示: 1726 - 1745 / 11136
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1787年Debut du discours prononce par M. le Controleur-general, dans l'Assemblee des notables, le lundi 12 mars 1787. -
1641年Decay of trade. -
1761年Declaration du roi, qui ordonne que, dans six mois pour tout delai, les superieurs de chacune des maisons de la Societe des Jesuites seront tenus de remettre au greffe du Conseil les titres de leurs etablissemens en France. France. Sovereigns, etc. 
1696年Decus & tutamen; or, Our new money as now coined, in full weight and fineness; proved to be for the honour, safety, and advantage of England. -
1811年Defence of abstract currencies, in reply to the Bullion Report and Mr. Huskisson. Wilson, Glocester 
1784年Defence of the Perthshire resolutions. -
1768年Delle lezioni di commercio osia d'economia civile da leggersi nella cattedra interiana di napoli dell abate genovesi regio cattedratico... in questa edizione accresciuta di varie aggiunte dell' autore medesimo.Genovesi, Antonio, 1712-1769.
1790年Department de l'isle de Corse・・・ Perny, J. 
1812年Depreciation caused by conflicting coins; or, A letter to the Earl of Lauderdale, in reply to the depreciation of the paper-currency of Great Britain proved. Rutherford, A. W. 
-The Depreciation of bank notes demonstrated. -
1800年Der geschlossne Handelsstaat. ein philosophischer entwurf als anhang zur rechtslehre, und probe einer künftig zu lieferenden politik.Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 1762-1814.
1976年4月5日Derivation of Phyllotaxis from Symmetry of Growth and their Recurrence RelationshipsSHIKATA, Morikazu; 志方,守一
1767年Des causes de la depopulation et des moyens d'y remedier Jaubert, Pierre 
1796年Des effests de la violence et de la moderation dans les affaires de France. A. M. Malouet. Reynaud de Montlosier, Francois Dominique, comte de 
1795年Des interets des puissances continentales relativement a l'Angleterre. Theremin, Charles Guillaume 
1800年Des opinions politiques du citoyen Sieyes, et de sa vie comme homme public.Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph, 1748-1836.
1847年Destinée sociale. par Victor Considerant... 2. éd.Considérant, Prosper Victor, 1808-1893.
1804年Desultory observations on the act of the last session of Parliament, entitled, "An act for granting to His Majesty, until the sixth day of May next after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, a contribution on the profits arising from property, professions, trade and offices." addressed to the landed interest of Great Britain. -
1810年Desultory reflections on banks in general, and the system of keeping up a false capital, by accomodation paper, so much resorted by monopolists and speculators; devided into three parts, or essays, and dedicated, without permission, to the governor and company of the Bank of England. Burt, William 
2024年2月14日Development in lexical and syntactic complexity through EAP after five-month study abroad programmeパイプ, ジェイソン; 対馬, 輝昭; PIPE, Jason; TSUSHIMA, Teruaki
検索結果表示: 1726 - 1745 / 11136
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