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1977年3月25日Notes on the Measurement of Capital Market EfficiencyTATSUMI, Kenichi; 辰巳, 憲一
1795年Notice sur le vie de Sieyes, membre de la premiere Assemblee national et de la convention. Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph, comte 
1810年Notifications, orders, and instructions, relating to prize subjects during the present war. -
1784年Nouveau compte rendu, ou tableau historique des finances d'Angleterre, depuis le regne de Guillaume III, jusqu'en 1784 ... Hilliard d'Auberteuil, Michel Rene 
1787年Nouvelles vues sur l'administration des finances, et sur l'allegement de l'impot. Hocquart de Coubron 
2005年11月10日NPD違憲政党訴訟と憲法裁判 : 「政党禁止」訴訟の新たなる課題加藤, 一彦; KATO, Kazuhiko
2014年2月12日NPO に関する研究・教育の系譜と展望山内, 直人; YAMAUCHI, Naoto
2000年3月15日NPOにおけるコーポレートガバナンス : アメリカ非営利法人法のありかたを参照して中村, 昌美; NAKAMURA, Masami
2005年3月10日NTTを再びエクセレント・カンパニーにするために林, 龍二; HAYASHI, Ryuji
1730年Objections humbly offer'd against passing the bill, intitled A bill for the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts, into a law. Mallory, John 
1804年Objections upon the part of the bankers in Scotland to the limitation of the re-issuing of the notes of bankers, proposed by the present stamp bill, and to the duties on bills of exchange. -
2021年2月17日Observation of disk autotomy or possible fission in the basket star (Order Euryarida, Class Ophiuroidea, Phylum Echinoderms) : 研究ノート大久保, 奈弥; OKUBO, Nami
2015年3月25日Observation on English Education in NepalSEKI, Akinori; 関, 昭典
1731年Observation on the bill now depending in the House of Lords, with relation to the woollen manufacture. By a clothier. Blanch, John 
1751年Observation on the buyers or receivers of stolen goods, particularly of lead, iron, &c. taken from buildings; with an attempt to remedy such iniquitous practices. -
1798年Observation upon the act for the redemption of the land tax: shewing the benefits likely to arise from the measure both to the public and to individuals; 6th ed. Together with instructions, originally intended for the use of the commissioners, appointed by His Majesty, for the sale of the land tax; a correct edition of the act, and a copious index thereto. Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc., 1760-1820 (George III) 
-Observation, &c. on woollen machinery. -
1669年Observations and advices oeconomical. infelix nimis cujus domicilio ignavia adhæret.North, Dudley North, 4th baron
1794年Observations and facts relative to public houses; interesting to magistrates in every part of Great Britain, to the clergy and parochial officers, and generally brewers, distillers, proprietors, and occupiers, of licensed ale-houses; as well as to the public at large. Colquhoun, Patrick 
1745年Observations and proposals concerning the navey: with an enquiry into its present condition; shewing its insufficiency to defend us from a sudden attack of the French ... -
検索結果表示: 2475 - 2494 / 11136
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