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1801年Observations on Mr. Dundas's letter of the 30th fo June, 1801, to the chairman and deputy chairman, of the East India Company. -
1786年Observations on Mr. Pitt's plan, for the redution of the national debt. Stanhope, Charles Stanhope 
1783年Observations on such nutritive vegitables as may be substituted in the place of ordinary food, in times of scarcity. Parmentier, Antoine Augustine 
1801年Observations on the act which passed into a law the 28th of July, 1800, to incorporate certain persons by the name of the London company, for the manufacture of flour, meal, and bread; shewing the excellence of the plan proposed, and that its adoption will in future prevent an aritificial scarcity of wheat. Prince, John Henry 
1812年Observations on the Board of Trade. -
1812年Observations on the circulation of individual credit, and on the banking system of England. Heywood, B. A. 
1783年Observations on the commerce of the American States. 2d ed. Sheffield, John Holroyd, Earl of  
1786年Observations on the commutation project. Rous, Thomas Bates 
1791年Observations on the corn bill, now depending in Parliament, by John Lord Sheffield. 3d ed. Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, 1st earl of 
1791年Observations on the corn bill, now depending in Parliament. Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, 1st earl of, 
1827年Observations on the corn laws, addressed to W. W. Whitmore. -
1797年Observations on the credit and finances of Great Britain; in reply to the thoughts of the Earl of Lauderdale, and the appeal of Mr. Morgan. Wakefield, Daniel 
1810年Observations on the criminal law of England, as it relates to capital punishments, and on the mode in which it is administered. Romilly, Sir Samuel 
1811年Observations on the depreciation of money, and the state of our currency. Wilson, Robert 
1792年Observations on the different breeds of sheep, and the state of sheep farming in some of the principal counties of England. Redhead, [William] 
1792年Observations on the effects of the coal duty upon the remote and thinly peopled coasts of Britain; tending to show, that if it were there removed, the industry of the people would be excited, the prosperity of the country promoted, and the amount of the revenue augumented to an astonishing degree. Anderson, James 
1814年Observations on the effects of the corn laws, and of a rise or fall in the price of corn on the agriculture and general wealth of the country. Malthus, Thomas Robert 
1756年Observations on the embargo lately laid on the exports of beef, pork, and butter, from Ireland -
1797年Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England, and on the paper circulation of the country. Baring, Sir Francis, bart. 
1798年Observations on the Explanatory act for the redemption of the land tax: shewing in what instances the provisions of the former act have been amended or explained, and to what particular cases the additional provisions of the Explanatory act are applicable. -
検索結果表示: 2506 - 2525 / 11136
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