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1755年Proposals for enriching the principality of Wales: humbly submitted to the considerations of his countrymen, by Giraldus Cambrensis. Cambrensis, Giraldus 
1696年Proposals for national banks; whereby the profits on usury, tho [sic for the] reduc'd to three per cent. per annum. will supply his Majesty more plentifully than ever to carry on the war, exempt the nation from land taxes, great customs and excises, exceedingly promote trade and navigation, and give England many other very large advantages. -
1780年Proposals for paying great part of the national debt, and reducing taxes, immediately. Bird, Robert. 
1799年Proposals for paying off the whole of the present national debt, and for reducing taxes immediately. 2d ed. Bird, Henry Merttins 
1731年Proposals for preventing the running of wool, and encouraging the woollen manufacture. -
1739年Proposals for the regulation of a society for improving arts and sciences, and particularly natural knowledge. -
1725年Proposals humbly offered to the Parliament for remedying the great charge and delay of suits at law and in equity. 5th ed. -
1801年Proposals to government, for establishing that system of regulations, most favorable to the keeping the price of corn at what it ought to bear・・・ -
1677年Proposals to increase trade, and to advance His Majesties revenue, without any hazard or charge to any body, and with apparent profit to every body. Lewis, Mark 
1811年Propositions respecting money, bullion and exchanges. -
1811年Propositions respecting money, bullion and exchanges. -
1827年Pros and cons; or, A brief analysis of the late debate and division on the Catholic question: intended as a manual to honest and reflecting men, for correcting themselves, or enabling them to correct others. -
1790年Prospectus of an intended new periodical work, to be called The bee, or universal literary intelligencer. Anderson, James 
1790年Prospectus of an intended new periodical work, to be called The bee, or universal literary intelligencer. Anderson, James 
1826年Protest on the subject of the measures now impending in Parliament in relation to the corn laws; entered against the second reading of a bill "to empower His Majesty to admit foreign corn for home consumption under certain limitations." Lauderdale, James Maitland, 8th earl of 
1977年2月25日ProverbsHONDA, Yoshinori; 本田, 喜範
1970年3月25日P・H・Pメイソン「日本における最初の総選挙 : 1890年」 : 外国人による最新の明治史研究の一成果 : 紹介色川, 大吉; IROKAWA, Daikichi
1799年Quelques idees sur les finances, par le c. Viot... Viot, , comte 
1765年Queries relating to the proposed plan for altering the entails in Scotland, in a letter to ____ Elibank, Patrick Murray, 5th baron 
1737年Queries relating to the reduction of the national redeemable debts, from four to three per cent per ann. -
検索結果表示: 2726 - 2745 / 11136
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