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1728年Some observations on the Assiento trade, as it hath been exercised by the South-Sea Company; proving the damage, which will accrue, thereby to the British commerce and plantations in America, and particularly to Jamaica., 2d ed. -
1731年Some observations on the present state of Ireland, particularly with relation to the woollen manufacture. Egmont, John Perceval, 2d earl of 
1730年Some observations on the rise, progress, and present decay of the woollen manufactories: with an estimate of this valuable trade fairly stated, and the great proportion given yearly to foreigners, by suffering the illegal exportation of our British and Irish wool and woollen goods throughly [sic] manufactur'd in Ireland to foreigners. -
1733年Some observations upon a paper, intituled The list. That is, of those who voted for and against the Excise-bill. -
1811年Some observations upon the argument drawn by Mr. Huskisson and the Bullion Committee, from the high price of gold bullion. Stowell, William Scott, baron 
1721年Some observations upon the bill now depending in Parliament for relief of the unhappy sufferers in the South-Sea Company. -
1735年Some observtions on an direct exportation of sugar, from the British Islands. Ashley, John 
1784年Some other thoughts on a parliamentary reform; in reply to a late publication, entitled "Thoughts on a parliamentary reform". -
1723年Some paragraphs of Mr. Hutcheson's treatises on the South-Sea subject; which relate to the relief of the unhappy traders in South-Sea stock, and to publick credit. Hutcheson, Archibald 
1675年Some pitty on the poor: or, A way how poor people may be supplied with labour and relief, without begging; particulary intended for the town of Marlbrough in the county of Wilts, which occasioned another short form concerning the three nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with an appeal to the Parliament to encourage the work. Lawrence, Thomas 
1716年Some proposals humbly offer'd to the Parliament of Great Britain, for easing the nation of the old navy-debt, (now the South-Sea-debt) of ten millions sterling, principal money, for greatly increasing our money. -
1741年Some queries and observations upon the revolution in 1688, and its consequences: also a short view of the rise and progress of the Dutch East India Company; with critical remarks. Forman, Charles 
1696年Some reflections on a pamphlet, intituled, England and East India inconsistent in their manufactures. Gardner, John 
2008年3月19日Some reflections on multiple, selective and entangled modernities and the importance of endogenous theories 1) : In memory of my long-time intellectual friend Imamura HitoshiMISHIMA, Kenichi; 三島, 憲一
1740年Some reflections upon the administration of government Pagett, Thomas Catesby, baron 
1741年Some regulations with regard to the begging poor; and a scheme for providing employment for labourers of all kinds; in a letter to the author of the Scots Magazine: humbly presented, in obedience to the request of the unknown writer. -
1753年Some remarks on a late pamphlet, intituled, Reflections on the expediency of opening the trade to Turkey... -
1981年11月20日Some Remarks on Population Science and Mathematics(17)太田, 邦昌; OHTA, Kuniyoshi
1976年4月5日Some Remarks on Population Sciences and Mathematics(1) : Two Interesting CasesOHTA, Kuniyoshi; OHTA, Kuniyoshi
1980年3月25日Some Remarks on Population Sciences and Mathematics(10). Dynamics of Dioecious Populations with a Polygamic Mating Function of the Harmonic-Mean Type太田, 邦昌; OHTA, Kuniyoshi
検索結果表示: 3086 - 3105 / 11136
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