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1827年The effects of the new system of free trade upon our shipping, colonies & commerce, exposed in a letter to the Right Hon. W. Huskisson, president of the Board of Trade. By S. Atkinson. Atkinson, Solomon 
1813年The elements of the science of money, founded on principles of the law of nature. Smith, John Prince 
1672年The English ballance, weighing the reasons, of Englands present conjunction with France, against the Dutch. MacWard, Robert 
1680年The English-mans right. Hawles, Sir John 
1720年The equity of Parliaments, and publick faith, vindicated; in answer to the Crisis of property, and address'd to the annuitants. Meres, Sir John 
1775年The evidence delivered on the petition presented by the West-India planters and merchants to the Hon. Glover, Richard 
1670年The exact politician, or, Compleat statesman: briefly methodically resolved into such principles, whereby gentlemen may be qualified for the management of any publick trust; and thereby rendered useful in every station to the establishment of the common welfare. Willan, Leonard 
1738年The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered. Sadler, Francis 
1767年The excellencie of a free state. Nedham, Marchamont 
2001年3月10日The Exclusiveness of Accountability Systems in the Japanese Press and the Pressure into Legal Restraint on the Press Freedom前澤, 猛; MAEZAWA, Takeshi
1811年The expediency and practicability of the resumption of cash-payments by the Bank of England; or thoughts on the present serious state of the circulating medium of the kingdom; and a series of measures proposed, whereby sufficient supplies of specie might be introduced into the channels of circulation ... Towers, Joseph Lomas 
1770年The expediency of a free exportation of corn at this time: with some observations on the bounty, and its effects. Young, Arthur 
1736年The fatal consequences of minist influence: or, The difference between royal power and ministerial power. Grange, James Erskine, lord 
1720年The female manufactures complaint: being the humble petition of Dorothy Distaff, Abigail Spinning-Wheel, Eleanor Reel &c. spinsters, to the lady Rebecca Woolpack. Defoe, Daniel 
1796年The first report from the Select Committee of the Honourable the House of Commons. Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Commons. 
1750年The Fisheries revived: or, Britain's hidden treasure discovered. -
1740年The Fitness of repealing the Septennial act at this juncture consider'd: in a latter from an elector to a member of Parliament. -
1796年The Following scheme for relieving government, & trade, advancing the price of stocks, and raising a fund for paying the national debt, at a future period, is submitted, without the aid of new taxes, or any further assistance. -
1680年The free-holders grand inquest, touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parliament. Filmer, Sir Robert 
1720年The Free-thinker. No. 274. -
検索結果表示: 3386 - 3405 / 11136
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