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1730年A Letter to Sir William Strickland, Bart. Relating to the coal trade. -
1751年A Letter to the author of A brief essay on the advantages and disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade. -
1783年A Letter to the author of a pamphlet entitled Free Parliaments -
1720年A letter to the author of the Calculations in the White-Hall Evening-Post, relating to South-Sea stock.  Hutcheson, Archibald 
1721年A Letter to the author of the London Journal; containing objections against the present scheme, to empower the three great companies to take in part of the publick debts. -
1742年A Letter to the author or An enquiry into the revenue, credit, and commerce of France. -
1827年A Letter to the Earl of Lauderdale, to serve as an index to his lordship's legistative chart. -
1826年A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the erroneous information that His Majesty's ministers have adopted regarding country banks and the currency in the manufacturing districts; and suggesting means for correcting some of the existing evils in the circulation of country bank notes. -
1826年A letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the present distresses of the country: shewing, that they do not proceed from taxation, nor from any other commonly-assigned cause; but from the want of a sufficiency of food in the country for the support of the whole of the people: and proving, that a repeal of the corn laws. Atherley, Edmond Gibson 
1819年A letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the reports of the committees oh the two House of Parliament on the questions of the Bank Restriction Act. Attwood, Thomas 
1826年A letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the revision of the corn laws, with a suggestion for their modification. Blain, Henry 
1826年A letter to the Earl of Liverpool, shewing, that a repeal of the corn laws will be attended with great injury and injustice to the land-owners and farmers, unless accoompanied, either by a reduction of their taxes and other burthens, or by measures to keep up the prices of English-grown corn. Atherley, Edmond Gibson 
1826年A letter to the Earl of Liverpool, shewing, that the objection which are made to the admission of foreign corn, are either totally unsound, or may be easily obviated. Atherley, Edmond Gibson 
1826年A letter to the electors of Bridgnorth, upon the corn laws. Whitmore, William Wolryche 
1721年A Letter to the gentlemen of the landed interest in Ireland, relating to a bank. -
1775年A letter to the heritors, farmers, and inhabitants of the County of Edinburgh... Arnot, Hugo 
1748年A letter to the Honourable the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. 2d ed. Coade, George 
1733年A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain, particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. Budgell, Eustace 
1732年A letter to the merchants of Great Britain; or A proper reply to the London journal, of Dec. 12 1730. Forman, Charles 
1754年A Letter to the merchants of the Portugal committee, from a Lisbon trader. -
検索結果表示: 446 - 465 / 11136
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