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1732年A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, for re-establishing the woollen manufacturies of Great Britain upon their ancient footing, by encouraging the linen manufacturies of Ireland. Forman, Charles 
1810年A Letter to the Right Honourable Spencer Perceval, First Lord of the Treasury, &c. &c. &c. Upon his reported correcpondence with Lord Viscount Melville, in reference to the return of that noble lord to power. -
1720年A letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Sunderland, with an account of the causes of the present diminution of publick credit. -
1826年A letter to the Right Honourable William Huskisson. Brown, William Keer 
1788年A letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt ... on the reform of the internal government of the royal boroughs of Scotland. Graham, Robert 
1796年A letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. on the conduct of the bank directors; with cursory observations on Mr. Morgan's pamphlet, respecting the expence of the war, and the state of the national debt. Bexley, Nicholas Vansittart, baron 
1796年A Letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on his conduct with respect to the loan concluded on the twenty-fifth of November last, and the suspicious circumustances attending that transaction ... George Tiernay Esq. 
1811年A letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, on the influence of the stoppage of issues in specie at the Bank of England: on the prices of provisions, and other commodities. 2d ed. Boyd, Walter 
1784年A Letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, upon the nature of parliamentary representation; its use and abuse. -
1793年A letter to the Right. 3d ed. Wyvill, Christopher 
1826年A letter to the Right.Hon. George Canning, to explain in what manner the industry of the people, and the productions of the country, are connected with, and influenced by, internal bills of exchange, country bank notes, and country bankers, Bank of England notes, and branch banks. Burgess, Henry 
1721年A Letter to the sub-governor, deputy-governor, & directors of the South Sea Company. -
1721年A Letter to the sub-governor, deputy-governor, & directors of the South Sea Company. -
1751年A letter to the West-India merchants, in answer to their petition now before the Honble House of Commons, praying for a prohibition of the trade carried on from the Northern colonies, to the French and Dutch West-India settlements. M. B. 
1819年A letter to Thomas Brand ・・・ on the practicability of a resumption of specie payments ・・・By Erick Bollmann... Bollmann, Erick, 
1768年A Letter to William Pulteney, Esq; on tbe subject of the Forth and Clyde navigation. -
1811年A letter to Wm. Huskisson. Carey, Peter 
1801年A letter, addressed to the Right Hon. Fullarton, William 
1697年A letter, ballancing the necessity of keeping a land-force in times of peace: with the dangers that may follow on it. Somers, John Somers, baron 
1793年A letter, commercial and political, addressed to the R+. Honble. William Pitt: in which the real interests of Britain, in the present crisis, are considered, and some observations are offered on the general state of Europe. 3rd ed. Currie, James 
検索結果表示: 486 - 505 / 11136
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