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1737年A Short answer to short reasons why our gold-money in Ireland should not be lower'd. -
1800年A short enquiry into the nature of monopoly and fores-talling. 3d ed., Morris, Edward 
1796年A short enquiry into the nature of monopoly and forestalling. 2d ed. Morris, Edward, d. 
1800年A short enquiry into the nature of monopoly and forestalling. A 3d ed. Morris, Edward 
1758年A short essay on the corn trade, and the corn laws. Smith, Charles 
1810年A Short examination into the power of the House of Commons to commit, in a letter to Sir Francis Burdett ... -
1733年A short history of prime ministers in Great Britain Budgell, Eustace 
1747年A short introduction to moral philosophy, in three books; containing the elements of ethicks and the law of nature. translated from the Latin.Hutcheson, Francis, 1694-1746.
1810年A Short letter to a friend in the country, upon the question of reform, and the disturbances in the metropolis ... -
1810年A Short narrative of the circumstances attending the late trials in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras, for forgery, perijury, and conspiracy to cheat; with some comments on the unjestifiable allusions made to them in the recent official pamphlet in defence of the Madras government. -
1790年A Short review of the British government in India; and of the state of the country before the company acquired the grant of the Dewanny. -
1730年A short review of the several pamphlets that have appeared this sessions on the subject of coin, and in particular of that which is intitled, A vindication of the intended alterations, &c. [Browne, Sir John] of Dublin 
1756年A short state of the progress of the French trade and navigation: wherein is shewn, the great foundation that France has laid, by dint of commerce, to increase her maritime strength to a pitch equal, if not superior, to that of Great-Britain, unless some how checked by the wisdom of His Majesty's councils. Postlethwayt, Malachy 
1810年A short statement, of the trade in gold bullion; with an attempt to shew, that bank-notes are not depreciated. Koster, John Theodore 
1773年A Short treaties on the improvement of money, and the practice of annuities. -
1745年A Short view of the advantages which probably may arise from the scheme for encouraging flax-husbandry in Ireland. -
1750年A Short view of the dispute between the merchants of London, Bristol, and Leverpool [sic], and the advocates of a new joint-stock company, concerning the regulation of the African trade. -
1700年A short vindication of Phil. Scot's Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien: being in answer to the challenge of the author of the defence of that settlement, to prove the Spanish title to Darien, by inheritance, marriage, donation, purchase, reversion, surrender, or conquest. Harris, Walter 
1741年A short, easy and effectual method to prevent the running of wool, &c. from Great-Britain and Ireland to foreign parts; humbly submitted to the consideration of Parliament. Sympson, Anthony 
1772年A sketch of a plan for reducing the present high price of corn and other provisions, and for securing plenty of both for the time to come. [Pamphilus] pseud 
検索結果表示: 646 - 665 / 11136
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