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1799年An accompt of the total produce of the duties of customs, excise, stamps, and incidents, respectively, for one year, ended the 10th day of October 1798; distinguishing, as far as possible, in each branch, the produce on every separate article, the duties on which have amounted to one thousand pounds, or more, in the four quarters of the said year. Gt. Brit. Treasury 
1796年An accompt, shewing how the money given for the service of the year 1795 has been disposed of, distinguished under the several heads, until the 5th day of April 1796, and the parts remaining unsatisfied, with the deficiency thereupon. Gt. Brit. Exchequer 
1796年An accompt, shewing how the money given for the service of the year 1796, has been disposed of; distinguished under the several heads, until the 26th day of October 1796, and the parts remaining unsatisfied, with the estimated surplus thereupon. Gt. Brit. Exchequer W. Speer 
1798年An accompt, shewing how the money given for the service of the year 1797, has been disposed of; distinguished under the several heads, until the 16th day of March 1798, and the parts remaining unsatisfied. Gt. Brit. Exchequer Speer. 
1799年An accoump of all additions which have been made to the annual charge of the public debt, by the interest for annuities of any loan that hath been made, or annuities created, subsequent to the passing of an Act 27 Geo. III. Cap. 13; as required by the 72d section of the said Act: and also, of the produce of the several duties granted for defraying the charges incurred in respect of the same, in the year ended the 10th of October 1798. Gt. Brit. Treasury George Rose 
1797年An account for the sums paid on account of bounties for corn imported, in the years ending the 10th October 1796 and the 10th October 1797. Gt. Brit. Custom Establishment Thomas Irving. 
1796年An account from the Bank relative to imperial £.3 per cent. annuities. Bank of England. W. Edwards. 
1797年An account of all additions which have been made to the annual charge of the publick debt by the interest of any loan that hath been made, or annuities created, subsequent to the 1st of January 1793: and also of the produce of the several duties granted for defraying the charge in respect of the same, in the year ended the 5th of January 1797. Gt. Brit. Treasury James Fisher. 
1797年An account of all articles the taxes on which were either repealed or diminished during the last peace, and on which taxes have been imposed during the present war; stating the rate of tax existing antecedent to such diminution or repeal, and the rate at present existing; distinguishing also the produce of the tax for two years antecedent to such diminution or repeal, and the produce from the commencement of the new tax imposed during the present war, to the latest period to which an account can be made up. Gt. Brit. Exchequer Thomas Irving. 
1797年An account of all bills for freight of Transports, contingencies for that service, and for miscellaneous services, entered in the course of the Transport Office, between the 31st December 1796, and the 1st April 1797, distinguishing the amount of bills delivered in each month. Gt. Brit. Transport Office Rupt George [etc.] 
1797年An account of all bills registered on the course of the Navy and Victualling, between the 31st December 1796, and the 1st April 1797, distinguishing the amount of bills entered on each month. Gt. Brit. Navy A. S. Hammond [etc., etc.] 
1801年An account of all pension granted since the 1st of January 1797; with the names of the pensions to whom granted, and the amount of each. Gt. Brit. Treasury, N. Vansittart 
1796年An account of all sums of money advanced by the Bank of England for the public service, and outstanding on the 31st December 1792.  Bnak of England 
1796年An account of all sums of money advanced by the Bank of England for the public service, and outstanding on the 31st December 1795. Bank of England A. Newland 
1796年An account of all sums of money granted by Parliament since the 29th day of October 1795, and expended before the 5th day of April 1796: with a statement of the service to which the same applied. Gt. Brit. Exchequer Anthony Gell, jun 
1796年An account of all sums of money granted by Parliament since the 29th October 1795, and expended before the 5th April 1796, with a statement of the services to which the same were applied. Gt. Brit. Exchequer James Fisher 
1797年An account of all sums of money granted by Parliament since the 6th October 1796, and expended before the 5th April 1797; with a statement of the services to which the same was applied. Gt. Brit. Exchequer James Fisher. 
1796年An account of all sums of money issued by the Board of Ordnance for the erection of barracks in Great Britain, Jersey, and Guernsey, and for bedding, furniture, and utensils, for the same; also an estimate of sums necessary for completing such barracks as are now building, or intended to be built. Gt. Brit. Army R. H. Crew 
1796年An account of all sums of money that have been issued by the Barrack Master General for the erection and fitting temporary barracks in Great Britain, specifying the places in which such barracks have been erected and fitted, and the sums expended upon each, from the 25th June 1792 to the 24th Dec. 1795. Gt. Britain. Army Ol. De Lancey 
1796年An account of all sums of money that have been issued by the Barrack Master General for the erection of barracks in Great Britain , Guerrnsey, and Jersey, specifying the places in which such barraqcks have been erected, and the sums expended upon each, from 25th June 1792 to 24th Dec. 1795. Gt. Brit. Army Ol. de Lancy 
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