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1752年An account of six years residence in Hudson's-Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747. Robson, Joseph. 
1796年An account of sums paid for bounties and expences to seamen, from 31st March 1795 to 10th October following, inclusive; and from 10th October 1795 exclusive, to 10th October 1796 inclusive; for London and the out-ports: agreeably to the weekly returns from the several collectors. Gt. Brit. Customs Establishment. Tho' Porter 
1801年An account of sundry species of provisions purchased in Great Britain and Ireland, for His Majesty's service, from the commencement of the present war to the 31st December last; distinguishing the quantities purchased in each year, with the average prices paid for the same. Gt. Brit. Army, John March [etc., etc.] 
1800年An account of sundry species of provisions purchased in Great Britain and Ireland, for His Majesty's service, from the commencement of the present war to this period; distinguishing the quantities purchased in each year, with the average price paid for the same. Gt. Brit. Army, John March [etc., etc.] 
1800年An account of sundry species of provisions purchased in Great Britain and Ireland, for His Majesty's service, from the commencement of the present war to this period; distinguishing the quantities purchased in each year, with the average prices paid for the same. Gt. Brit. Army, John March [etc., etc.] 
1800年An account of the actual and estimated expence of collecting the tax in income, for the years 1799 and 1800. Gt. Brit. Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes, William Lowndes [etc., etc.] 
1801年An account of the actual and estimated expense of collecting the tax on income, for the years 1799 and 1800. Gt. Brit. Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes, William Lowndes [etc., etc.] 
1800年An account of the amount of advances made to government by the bank, on land, malt, and Exchequer bills, with interest on the same; as they stood on the 21st September, 21st October, 21st November, and 21st December 1799, and 21st January 1800. Bank of England, A. Newland 
1799年An account of the amount of all goods sold at the East India Company's sales, from the 1st March 1797 to the 1st March 1798. East India Company(English) Chas Cartwright 
1801年An account of the amount of amount of Bank of England notes in circulation, on an average of every month, from the 25th October 1800: distinguishing the amount of notes below the value of five pounds. Bank of England, Wm. Walton. 
1811年An account of the amount of bank notes in circulation, at the beginning of February and August in the years 1785 and 1786. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1812年An account of the amount of bank notes, in circulation, on Saturday night, from the 16th of February to the 12th of April 1812. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1811年An account of the amount of bank notes, lying in the Exchequer, in each month, from the 10th of February 1810, to the 16th of February 1811. Gt. Brit. Exchequer. Wm Rose Haworth. 
1811年An account of the amount of bank notes, on the 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, & 1st October, in the years 1785-1786-1787-1788-1789-1790-and 1791. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1800年An account of the amount of Bank of England notes in circulation, on an average of every three months, from 25th day of March 1797, in the years 1797, 1798, 1799, and 1800: distinguishing the amount of notes below the value of five pounds. Bank of England, Wm. Walton. 
1801年An account of the amount of cuties on British and foreign spirits imposed before 1792; paid into the Exchequer in the years ending January 5th, 1800, and January 5th, 1801: distinguishing each year. Gt. Brit. Commissioners of Excise, Natul Planner 
1799年An account of the amount of debts subscribed in India, between 30th April 1796 and the 1st May 1797; agreable to the court's orders of 25th June 1793. East India Company(English) Wm Wright 
1796年An account of the amount of money advanced by the Bank of England, for the public service, and outstanding on the 1st October 1796. Bank of England. A. Newland. 
1797年An account of the amount of money advanced by the Bank of England, for the public service, and outstanding on the 25th December 1796. Bank of England. A. Newland. 
1797年An account of the amount of money advanced for the public service by the Bank of England, and outstanding on the 25th February 1797. Bank of England A. Newland. 
検索結果表示: 926 - 945 / 11136
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