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1811年An account of the average amount of bank notes, in circulation, for three years, ending 5 January 1811. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1811年An account of the average amount of bank notes, in the years 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, & 1802. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1796年An account of the balance of quick stock; exhibiting a state of the company's affairs, in respect to their debts and assets, as they stood at the several presidencies of Fort William, Fort St. George, and Bombay, and at the residency of Fort Marlbro', and factory of Canton, according to the latest advices. East India Company (English) Wm Wright 
1799年An account of the balance of quick stock; exhibiting a state of the Company's affairs, in respect to their debts and assets, as they stood at the several presidencies of Fort William, Fort St. George, Bombay, and at the residency of Fort Marlborough, and factory of Canton, at the conclusion of the year 1796-7. East India Company(English) Wm Wright 
1811年An account of the bank notes in circulation on the 1st day of July 1718; and on the 1st of January in each of the years 1721-1730-1754-1761-1772-1778-1782-and 1783. Bank of England. Willm^ Dawes. 
1811年An account of the bank notes in circulation, on the first day of every month, in the years 1781 and 1782; distinguishing the bank post bills. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1733年An account of the bank of loan at Amsterdam, commonly called the Lombard. Philopolis 
1796年An account of the bills of exchange accepted by, or by the direction or on the account of, the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, made payable and paid at the Bank of England, from 1st January 1795 to the 31st March 1796, distinguishing by whom drawn. Gt. Brit. Treasury Charles Long 
1796年An account of the bounties paid from the commencement of the Act of the 36th of His Majesty, Cap. 21. on corn imported into the several ports of Great Britain, to the 10th October 1796: pursuant to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 27th October 1796. Gt. Brit. Customs Establishment. Thomas Irving 
1796年An account of the bounties paid to seamen in the several ports of Great Britain, pursuant to the Act of the 35th of His Majesty, Cap. 9. from the commencement of the said Act to the 10th of October 1795, and from the 10th October 1795 to the 10th of October 1796: pursuant to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated the 27th October 1796. Gt. Brit. Customs Establishment. Thomas Irving 
1788年An account of the culture and use of the mangel wurzel, or root of scarcity. 4th ed. Commerell, abbe de 
1765年An account of the culture of carrots; and their great use in feeding and fattening cattle. Billing, Robert 
1800年An account of the debt in Exchequer bills, outstading on the 5th day of January 1800; distinguishing the different heads, the funds on which the same are chargeable; and, the sums remaining in the Exchequer to satisfy the same. Gt. Brit. Exchequer, Grosvenor Charles Bedford 
1797年An account of the difference between the produce of the duties on home-made spirits, in the year ending January 5th, 1797, and the average produce thereof in three years, ending January 5th, 1795. Gt. Brit. Commissioners of Excise R. Waring. 
1797年An account of the distribution of the sum of £.2,500,000, granted to His Majesty to defray any extraordinary expences which may be incurred for the service of the year 1796. Gt. Brit. Treasury Richard Molesworth 
1800年An account of the distribution of the sum of £.2,500,000. Gt. Brit. Treasury, P. George Craufurd 
1796年An account of the distribution of the sum of £.2,500,000. Gt. Brit. Treasury George Rose. 
1799年An account of the distribution of the sum of £.3,200,000, granted to His Majesty, towards enabling His Majesty to defray the extraordinary services of the Army for the year 1798; paid by the right honourable the paymaster general of His Majesty's forces. Gt. Brit. War Office W. Windham 
1798年An account of the distribution of the sum of £.4,000,000, granted to His Majesty towards enabling His Majesty to dfray the extraordinary services of the Army for the year 1797; paid by the Right Honourable the Paymaster General of His Majesty's forces. Gt. Brit. War Office W. Windham. 
1799年An account of the distribution of the sum of one million, raised by an act in the last session of Parliament, and granted to His Majesty, to enable His Majesty to take all such measures as may be necessary to disappoint or defeat any enterprize or designs of His Majesty's enemies, and the exigency of affairs may require. Gt. Brit. Treasury George Rose 
検索結果表示: 966 - 985 / 11136
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