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Showing results 8 to 27 of 37
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Jul-1993Henry David Thoreau Bibliography(3)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Feb-1973Language Learning and Teaching : An Approach to English RhetoricTOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
20-Mar-1981Marshall McLuhan in Contemporary Rhetorical ThoughtTOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Dec-1975Ralph Waldo Emerson Bibliography(2)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Aug-1973Ralph Waldo Emerson's Theory of Art : (Part1)Emerson's CosmologyTOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Dec-1973Ralph Waldo Emerson's Theory of Art : (Part2)Theory of Art, (Part3)Emerson's Practice of the Dialectic Methods in His Composition, (Part4)Appraisal and Suggestions for Research and BibliographyTOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Dec-1975Reference Material : Speech Communication and Theater Arts : Bibliography(2)(1959-62)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Aug-1973Shea, George Tyson, Leftwing Literature in Japan : A Brief History of the Proletarian Literary Movement.TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
10-Sep-1975Speech Communication and Theater Arts BibliographyTOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
20-Mar-2001The Association for Asian Studies : 第52回全国大会報告徳座, 晃子; TOKUZA, Akiko
14-Dec-1993The Women′s Movement in Japan from the Taisho Period to the PresentTOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
15-Mar-1994The Women′s Movement in Japan from the Taisho Period to the Present(2)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
20-Jul-1994The Women′s Movement in Japan from the Taisho Period to the Present(3)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
20-Dec-1994The Women′s Movement in Japan from the Taisho Period to the Present(4)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
22-Mar-1995The Women′s Movement in Japan from The Taisho Period to the Present(5)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
20-Jul-1995The Women′s Movement in Japan from the Taisho Period to the Present(6)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
21-Dec-1995The Women′s Movement in Japan from the Taisho Period to the Present(7)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Mar-1975Walt Whitman Bibliography(1963)TOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
25-Dec-1974スピーチ ・ コミュニケーション学の紹介徳座, 晃子; TOKUZA, Akiko
25-Mar-1977スピーチ ・ コミュニケーション学の紹介(2) : 英語による音声表現訓練の基礎徳座, 晃子; TOKUZA, Akiko
Showing results 8 to 27 of 37
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