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Browsing by Author East India Company (English) Wm Wright
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1796 | A general abstract of the estimates of the revenues and charges of the presidencies of Fort William, Fort St George, and Bombay; from 1st May 1795 to the 30th April 1796. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Abstract estimate of the probable resouces and disbursements of the Bombay Government, from 1st of May 1795 to the 30th April 1796. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Abstract estimate of the probable resources and disbursements of the Bengal Government, from the 1st May 1795 to the 30th April 1796. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Abstract estimate of the probable resources and disbursements of the Madras Government, from the 1st May 1795 to 30th April 1796. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Abstract statement of the receipts and disburesements of the Bombay government, from the 1st of May 1794 to the 30th April 1795. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Abstract statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Bengal Government, from 1st May 1794 to the 30th April 1795. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Abstract statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Madras Government, from 1st May 1794 to the 30th of April 1795. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Account of the amount of debts subscribed in India, between the 30th April 1794 and the 1st May 1795; agreeable to the orders ot 15th Septr 1785 and 31st July 1787. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Account of the expences of the island of St. Helena, and the factory of Canton; for three years... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Amount of the bond and other debts owing by the East India Company, at their several presidencies in the East Indies, according to the latest advices; the rates of interest which such debts respectively carry; and the annual amount of such interest. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | An account of the amount received at the several presidencies of Fort Willia, Fort St. George, and Bombay, for sales of import goods and stores, and for certificates on the court of directors, within the last three years respectively, according to the latest advices; together with the latest estimate of the same. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | An Account of the annual charges defrayed by the East India Company, for the management of their trade and commerce in Bengal, at Madras, and at Bombay... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | An account of the balance of quick stock; exhibiting a state of the company's affairs, in respect to their debts and assets, as they stood at the several presidencies of Fort William, Fort St. George, and Bombay, and at the residency of Fort Marlbro', and factory of Canton, according to the latest advices. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | An Account of the expences of the residency of Fort Marlbro' and its dependencies; for three years... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | An account of the prime cost of all cargoes purchased in India, and shipped for Europe, in the year 1794-5; together with the commercial charges at each presidency, not added to the invoice. | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Bengal. No 3. A comparison of the estimated and actual amount of the revenues of the East India Company, in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, and from Benares and Oude... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Bombay. No 7. An account of the annual revenues of the East India Company, at the presidency of Bombay, and the settements subordinate thereto... No 8. An account of the annual charges defrayed by the... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Bombay. No 9. A comparison of the estimated and actual amount of the revenues of the East India Company, at the presidency of Bombay, and the settelements subordinate there to... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Fort St. George, No 4. An account of the annual revenues of the East India Company, at the presidency of Fort St. George and at the settlements subordinate thereto... No 5. An account of the annual charges defrayed by the... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
1796 | Fort St. George, No 6. A comparison of the estimated and actual amount of the revenues of the East India Company, at the presidency of Fort St. George, and settlements subordinate theret... | East India Company (English) Wm Wright |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20