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ブラウズ : 著者 Massie, Joseph
検索結果表示: 1 - 20 / 21
発行日 | タイトル | 著者 |
1757年 | A letter to Bourchier Cleeve, Esq; concerning his calculation of taxes. | Massie, Joseph |
1758年 | A plan for the establishment of charity-houses for exposed or deserted women and girls, and for penitent prostitutes. | Massie, Joseph |
1758年 | A proposal for making a saving to the public of many thousand pounds a year in the charge of maintaining His Majesty's Marine Forces, and for the better regulation of them. | Massie, Joseph |
1760年 | A representation concerning the knowledge of commerce as a national concern; pointing out the proper means of promoting such knowledge in this kingdom. | Massie, Joseph |
1759年 | A state of the British sugar-colony trade; shewing, that an additional duty of twelve shillings per 112 pounds weight may be laid upon brown or muscovado sugar. | Massie, Joseph |
1750年 | An essay on the governing causes of the natural rate of interest; wherein the sentiments of Sir William Petty and Mr. Locke, on that head, are considered. | Massie, Joseph |
1762年 | An historical account of the naval power of France, from its first foundation to the present time. | Massie, Joseph |
1761年 | Brief observations concerning the management of the war, and the means to prevent the ruin of Great Britain. 2d ed. | Massie, Joseph |
1756年 | Caluculations of taxes for a family of each rank, degree or class: for one year. | Massie, Joseph |
1757年 | Considerations on the leather trade of Great Britain. Containing, an account of the losses which the landed as well as trading interests suffer by the exportation of unmanufactured British leather. | Massie, Joseph |
1758年 | Facts which shew the necessity of establishing a regular method for the punctual, frequent and certain payment of seamen employed in the Royal Navy. | Massie, Joseph |
1759年 | Farther observations concerning the Foundling-Hospital: pointing out the ill effects which such an hospital is likely to have upon the religion, liberty, and domestic happiness of the people of Great-Britain. | Massie, Joseph |
1763年 | Observations on the new cyder-tax, so far as the same may affect our woollen manufacturies, Newfoundland fisheries, &c. | Massie, Joseph |
1760年 | Observations relating to the coin of Great Britain; consisting partly of extracts from Mr Locke's Treatise concerning money, but chiefly of such additions thereto, as are thought to be very necessary at this juncture; not only for remedying the present great scarcity of silver, but for putting a stop to those losses which this nation suffers by the over-valuing of gold-money, and by prohibiting both the melting and exporting of British coin: whereunto is annexed, Sir William Petty's Quantulumcunque concerning money; reprinted from an edition that was printed for private use in the year 1695; and corrected by a manuscript copy of very good authority. | Massie, Joseph |
1756年 | Observations upon Mr Fauquier's Essay on ways and means for raising money to support the present war without increasing the public debts. | Massie, Joseph |
1760年 | Reasons humbly offered against laying any farther tax upon malt or beer; shewing that such a tax would not only cause great losses to the landholders of England, but be prejudicial to several branches of our manufacturies, and prove a pinch-belly tax to some hundred thousand families of labouring people: shewing also, that three years extraordinary supplies for war may be raised upon the exorbitant part of those prices which the sugar-planters have for above a year past obliged the people of Great Britain to pay for sugars. | Massie, Joseph |
1758年 | Reasons humbly offered against laying any further British duties on wrought silks of the manufacture of Italy, the kingdom of Naples and Sicily, or Holland: shewing the probable ill consequences of such a measure in regard to the landed interest, woollen manufacturies, silk manufacturies, fisheries, wealth, and naval power of Great Britain. | Massie, Joseph |
1760年 | Reasons humbly offered against. | Massie, Joseph |
1760年 | Reasons humbly offered against. | Massie, Joseph |
1757年 | The proposal, commonly [sic] called Sir Matthew Decker's scheme, for one general tax upon houses, laid open; and shewed to be a deep concerted project to traduce the wisdom of the legislature; disquiet the minds of the people; and ruin the trade and manufacturies of Great Britain. | Massie, Joseph |
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