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検索結果表示: 1 - 20 / 11245
発行日 | タイトル | 著者 |
1534年 | The olde tenures. Lyttylton tenures. The new talys. | Natura breuium |
1560年 | La novvelle natura breuiu du iudge tresreuerende monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert, dernierement venue et corrige per laucteur, auecques vn table perfaicte des choses notables contenues en ycelle, nouelment coposee per Guilliaumle Rastell, et iammais per cy deuaunt imprimee. | Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony |
1575年 | P. Ovidii Nasonis metamorphoseon. Lib. XV... | Ovidius Naso, Publius |
1579年 | Les six livres de la repvbliqve de I. Bodin Angeuin. A monseignevr dv favr ... 4. éd., rev., corr., & augm. de nouveau. | Bodin, Jean, 1530-1596. |
1597年 | De verborum significatione. | Curriehill, Sir John Skene, lord |
1601年 | A treatise of the canker of Englands Common Wealth. | Malynes, Gerard de |
1603年 | A letter, containing a most briefe discourse apologeticall, with a plaine demonstration, and feruent protestation, for the lawfull, sincere, verie faithfull and Christian course, of the philosophicall studies and exercises, of a certaine studious gentleman: an ancient seruant to Her Most Excellent Maiestie Royall. | Dee, John |
1603年 | Englands vievv, in the vnmasking of two paradoxes: with a replication vnto the answer of Maister Iohn Bodine. | Malynes, Gerard de |
1603年 | Englands vievv, in the vnmasking of two paradoxes: with a replication vnto the answer of Maister Iohn Bodine. | Malynes, Gerard de |
1604年 | An oration gratvlatory to. | Hubbocke, William. |
1604年 | The Merchants New-Royall-Exchange: framed at Roan, and brought ouer to be set vp in England. | - |
1607年 | The Lord Coke his speech and charge. | Pricket, Robert |
1609年 | Regiam majestatem. | Curriehill, Sir John Skene, lord |
1610年 | The order and solemnitie of the creation of the High and Mightie Prince Henrie, eldest sonne to our sacred soueraigne, Prince of VVales. Duke of Cornevvall, Earle of Chester, &c. | Henry, Prince of Wales. |
1618年 | Ta twn moyswn eisodia. | Adamson, John |
1621年 | A tract against vsvrie. | Culpeper, Sir Thomas |
1622年 | Free trade. or, the meanes to make trade florish. Wherein, The causes of the decay of trade in this kingdome, are discouered: and the remedies also to remooue the same, are represented. by Edward Misselden... 2d ed., with some add. | Misselden, Edward., fl. 1608-1654. |
1622年 | Free trade. | Misselden, Edward |
1622年 | Iames by the grace of God ... Whereas wee haue vnderstood [etc. Letters patent appointing a Standing Commission on Trade. | Gt. Brit. Standing Commission on Trade. |
1622年 | The maintenance of free trade according to the three essentiall parts of traffique; namely, commodities, money and exchange of moneys, by bills of exchanges for other countries. | Malynes, Gerard de |
検索結果表示: 1 - 20 / 11245