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Showing results 1 to 20 of 11212
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
- | Second letter from a dog in the country, to his friend in town. | - |
- | [Begins Al] It is beyond a doubt, that [some of the officers of] the Board of excise in Scotland have thought proper to represent, that the stork of spirits at present in the hands of destillers and dealers in Scotland is enormous. | - |
- | Financial speeches. (i) Extract of the kings speech December 5th 1782. (ii) Resolution of the House of Commons 12th January 1784. (iii) Resolution of the House of Commons 15th May 1711. (iv) Extract from Hetsill title supply page 134. (v) Extract from the report of the Committee 1782. (vi) Extract of a House of appropriation 9th December 1689. (vii) Of raising money by funding Lord Awkland's letter to L. Carlisle. (viii) Extract from Mr. Burke's speech on reform. | - |
- | Regulations for the baron-courts of the annexed estates. | - |
- | Lord Hawkesbury's explanation of Lord Auckland's assertion. broadside. | - |
- | Discount of bank notes. Extract | - |
- | Committee for preventing the clipping of coins. 27 July 1694 - 1 April 1697. | - |
- | Price of Lix dollars from books of Messrs. Noase | - |
- | A Plan of the operations at taking of the city of Quebec. | - |
- | Copy of letters on paper money dated: 13 July 1811. | - |
- | Several essays in political arithmetick: | Petty,Sir William |
- | The Humble Petition of &c. &c. | - |
- | Excise & duty: manuscript on paper, detailing the duties paid on various commodities between 1662 and 1760. | - |
- | Begins: Si ab antiguissima proceram familia, splendorem derivara honesitum, si sebus alle pulchre gestu incla ... | - |
- | Guineas bought. | - |
- | The Depreciation of bank notes demonstrated. | - |
- | Begins: Dunbar House, Dunbar, Sir, In taking the liberty to transmit to you following queries, which I have sent to all the issuers of local tokens in His Majesty's dominions ... | - |
- | Begins: Prior to the commencement of the war the Victualling Office had to provide provisions for only 20,000 seamen・・・ | I: M |
- | The Morning post. No. 11, 229. Friday, February 13, 1807. London. | - |
- | Begins: No. 3. Income. The following directions and rules, for estimating income, are contained in the act of present session of Parliament. | - |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 11212