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Showing results 1391 to 1410 of 11212
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1788Animadversions by the delegates for conducting the application to Parliament for a reform in the internal government of the royal boroughs of Scotland, on a paper, entitled "Abstract of facts, &c. respecting the revenues of the royal boroughs of Scotland." -
1670Annales galantes. [Desjardins, Marie Catherine Hortense, known as Mm. de Villedieu] d. 
1677Annales galantes. Cinquiesme partie. [Desjardins, Marie Catherine Hortense, known as Mm. de Villedieu] d. 
1676Annales galantes. Divisee en huit parties. Desjardins, Marie Catherine Hortense, known as Mm. de Villedieu 
1741Anno regni Georgii II. regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo quarto. Gt. Brit. Laws, Statutes, etc., 1727-1760 (George II) 
1744Anno regni Georgii II. regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo septimo. Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc., 1727-1760 (George II) 
1796Annual account, made up to the 1st day of March 1796, containing the amount of the proceeds of the sale of goods and merchandize of the company in Great Britain... East India Company (English) W. Richardson 
1799Annual account, made up to the 1st day of March 1798, containing the amount of the proceeds of the sale of goods and merchandize of the Company in Great Britain・・・ East India Company(English) Chas Cartwright 
1785Answer to the defence of the Perthshire resolutions ... Aquafortis 
1788Answers for the corn distillers in Scotland; to the Memoiral of the corn distillers in London, presented to the Lords commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. -
6-Dec-2023Anthozoans take up Symbiodiniaceae from the “Zone of Phagocytosis”- pathway to symbiosis revealed during microplastic experiment : 研究ノート大久保, 奈弥; OKUBO, Nami
1743Antient and modern corruption compared. -
1801An Appeal to a humane public, for the poorer millers and bakers, respecting the high price of bread; and the injury sustained by them from the establishment of the London flour, meal & bread company. -
1798Appeal to the members of Parliament, upon the bill, presently depending in the House of Commons, respecting the Scotch distilleries. -
1798Appeal to the members of Parliament, upon the bill, presently depending in the House of Commons, respecting the Scotch distilleries. -
30-Sep-2002Application of Rasch Measurement to Writing Test Analysis中村, 優治; NAKAMURA, Yuji
1701Arcana imperii detecta: or, Divers select cases in government. Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius 
1810Argument upon the jurisdiction of the House of Commons to commit, in cases of breach of privilege. By Chas. Williams-Wynn, Charles Watkin 
1708Arguments against prologing the bank, shewing the dangerous consequences of it to our constitution and trade: with proposals for advancing the revenue of the excise ... -
1775Arithmetique politique, adressée aux sociétés oeconomiques établies en Europe, par M. Young, ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois, par M. Freville...Young, Arthur, 1741-1820.
Showing results 1391 to 1410 of 11212
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