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Showing results 1431 to 1450 of 11188
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Mar-2007Awareness-raising for Evaluative Expressions by Using the Lead of Newspaper ArticlesIKEO, Reiko; 池尾, 玲子
26-Mar-1963B.A. マルトゥィノフ『ベルギー領コンゴにおける諸独占体の支配』 : В.А. Мартынов, “Конго под гнетом империализма : социально-экономические проблемы бельгийской колонии”, 1959 : 資料 I-
25-Nov-1959B.C.ロバーツ 『現代における諸国の賃銀政策』 : B.C. Roberts : “National Wages Policy in War and Peace”, London, 1958北沢, 新次郎; KITAZAWA, Shinjiro
1778Bank disputes; or, Credit without abuse. -
1810Bank notes the cause of the disappearance of guineas, and of the course of exchange being against us, whilst the balance of trade is in our favour: with practicable means suggested to enable the Bank of England to resume its payments in specie, without sustaining any loss ... Hopkins, Thomas 
1811Bank of England. 1. Account of advances, made by the Bank of England to government, on land and malt, exchequer bills, and other securities; on the 5th of January 1811. 2. Account of all the dollars, issued by the Bank of England, from the 8th day of February 1810, to the 19th day of February 1811, Bank of England. H. Hase. 
1811Bank of England. 1. An account of the amount of gold and silver deposited in the Bullion-Office of the Bank of England ... 1810 to ... 1811... 2. An account of the amount of gold which has been delivered out from the Bullion-Office of the Bank of England ... 1810 to ... 1811 ... 3. An account of the amount of monthly sales of gold and silver by private dealers in the Bullion-Office of the Bank of England ... 1810 to ... 1811 ... Bank of England. J. Humble. 
1811Bank of England. Accounts, relating to bank notes in circulation, and to prices and sales of bullion and silver. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1810Banking, and its effects; or, The original and paper currencies, our situation as they are concerned, and the consequences of the change we meditate, considered, in a letter to the Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair Bain, Donald 
1787Bases pour taxer le pain. -
2015Beauty Run Festival安生, 健太; 篠原, 瑞希; 米山, 晴貴; ANJO, Kenta; SHINOHARA, Mizuki; YONEYAMA, Haruki
-[Begins Al] It is beyond a doubt, that [some of the officers of] the Board of excise in Scotland have thought proper to represent, that the stork of spirits at present in the hands of destillers and dealers in Scotland is enormous. -
-Begins: Anne R. Statutes and orders of the most ancient and most noble order of the thistle, revived by Her Majesty Anne... -
-Begins: Dunbar House, Dunbar, Sir, In taking the liberty to transmit to you following queries, which I have sent to all the issuers of local tokens in His Majesty's dominions ... -
-Begins: No. 3. Income. The following directions and rules, for estimating income, are contained in the act of present session of Parliament. -
-Begins: Prior to the commencement of the war the Victualling Office had to provide provisions for only 20,000 seamen・・・ I: M 
-Begins: Si ab antiguissima proceram familia, splendorem derivara honesitum, si sebus alle pulchre gestu incla ... -
-[Begins:] 27° Aprilis. Bill for taking off the bounty now payable on sail cloth and canvas exported to Ireland. -
-[Begins:] 8゜ Decembris. Saint Dunstan's cross, near the city of Canterbury, in the county of Kent, and for amending and widening the road from the present turnpike road -
-[Begins:] The merits of the plan for raising 32 million which has been submitted to Parliament... -
Showing results 1431 to 1450 of 11188
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