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Showing results 1449 to 1468 of 11212
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-[Begins:] 27° Aprilis. Bill for taking off the bounty now payable on sail cloth and canvas exported to Ireland. -
-[Begins:] 8゜ Decembris. Saint Dunstan's cross, near the city of Canterbury, in the county of Kent, and for amending and widening the road from the present turnpike road -
-[Begins:] The merits of the plan for raising 32 million which has been submitted to Parliament... -
1799Bengal. No 1. An account of the annual revenues of East India Company, in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, and from Banares and Oude・・・ No 2. An account of the annual charges defrayed by the・・・ East India Company(English) Wm Wright 
1796Bengal. No 1. An account of the annual revenues of East India Company, in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, and from Benaris[sis] and Oude... No 2. An account of the annual charges defrayed by the... East India Company (Engish) Wm Wright 
1799Bengal. No 3. A comparision of the estimated and actual amount of the revenues of the East India Company, in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, and from Banares and Oude・・・ East India Company(English) Wm Wright 
1796Bengal. No 3. A comparison of the estimated and actual amount of the revenues of the East India Company, in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, and from Benares and Oude... East India Company (English) Wm Wright 
1810Better late than never: or Considerations upon the conduct of the war; and the expediency of making peace with France... -
28-Feb-2018Between Weeping Comedy and Laughing Comedy : Arthur Murphy から考える18 世紀英国の‘true comedy’南, 隆太; MINAMI, Ryuta
-[Bigins:] 2° Maii. Sir Richard Hill reported from the Committee, to whom the bill for dividing, allotting, and in closing, certain commons or waste lands -
-[Bigins:] 5° Maii. And the same being read accordingly; Ordered, that leave be given to bring in a bill to explain, amend, and render more effectual, the said Act -
-A Bill intituled, An act, for the better relief of the creditors of such merchants as shall become bankrupts in that part of Great Britain called Scotland; and for extending the privileges of bills of exchange to promissory notes; and for limiting actions upon such bills and notes. -
5-Nov-1955Binet法とWISCとの関係 : 幼児について石川, 英夫; ISHIKAWA, Hideo
25-Dec-1979Biological Reaction Formulas in Population BiologySHIKATA, Morikazu; 志方, 守一
12-Feb-2015BIS view の検討 : フィナンシャル・インバランスとフィナンシャル・サイクル岩田, 佳久; IWATA, Yoshihisa
1827Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. No. 121. January, 1827. Vol. 21. Letter from a Scottish freeholder, on the effects of the introduction of foreign grain upon the condition of the labouring population. -
1730Blunt to Walpole: a familiar epistle in behalf of the British distillery. Bockett, Elias 
1799Bombay, No 7. An account of the annual revenues of the East India Company, at the presidency of Bombay, and the settlements subordinate thereto・・・No 8. An account of the annual charges defrayed by the・・・ East Endia Company(English) Wm Wright 
1799Bombay, No 9. A comparison of the estimated and actual amount of the revenues of the East India Company, at the Presidency of Bombay, and the settlements subordinate thereto・・・ East India Company(English) Wm Wright 
1796Bombay. No 7. An account of the annual revenues of the East India Company, at the presidency of Bombay, and the settements subordinate thereto... No 8. An account of the annual charges defrayed by the... East India Company (English) Wm Wright 
Showing results 1449 to 1468 of 11212
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