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1975年9月10日Speech Communication and Theater Arts BibliographyTOKUZA, Akiko; 徳座, 晃子
1829年Speech of Charles Tennyson 3d ed. Tennyson-D'Eyncourt, Charles, 
1775年Speech of Edmund Burke ... on American taxation, April 19, 1774. 4th ed. Burke, Edmund 
1780年Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq. Burke, Edmund 
1810年Speech Of Sir Francis Burdett, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, July 31, 1810, on the occasion of dining with his constituents, after his liberation from the Tower. Burdett, Sir Francis, bart 
1826年Speech of the Right Hon. F. J. Robinson, chancellor of the exchequer, on the financial situation of the country, delivered in a committee of ways and means, on Monday, the 13th of March, 1826. Ripon, Frederick John Robinson, 1st earl of 
1811年Speech of the Right Hon. Lord King, in the House of Lords, on Tuesday, July 2, 1811, upon the second reading of Earl Stanhope's bill, respecting guineas and bank notes. King, Peter King, 7th baron 
1829年Speech of Viscount Palmerston in the House of Commons, on Monday, the first of June, 1829, upon the motion of Sir James Macintosh, respecting the relations of England with Portugal. Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3d viscount, 
1796年Speech, of Philip Francis, Esq. in the House of Commons, on Friday, February 26, 1796, on the motion, "that it appears to this House, that the principle of making loans for the public service, by free and open competition ... has been very generally rexognised, as affording the fairest prospect of public advantage." Francis, Sir Philip 
1805年Speeches in the House of Commons, on the war against the Mahrattas. Francis, Sir Philip, 
1805年Speeches in the House of Commons, on the war against the Mahrattas. Francis, Sir Philip 
1965年1月31日Sport badge testについての一考察多田, 謹次; TADA, Kinji
2006年3月29日SRI and CSR : How are they linked ?NEGISHI, Keiko; 根岸, 圭子
1811年Stamps. 1. An account of the number of licences for the issue of promissory notes payable on demand ... 1809 ... 1810 ... 2. An account of the number of stamps of promissory notes re-issuable each class that have been issued ... 1810 to ... 1811 ...3. An account of the number of re-issuable promissory notes stamped in England ... 1807, 1808, 1809 and 1810 ... [Gt. Brit. Stamp Office] John Stedman. 
1801年Standing orders of the House of Commons, relative to bills of inclosure and drainage. Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Commons 
1801年Standing orders of the House of Commons, relative to private bills respecting Ireland. Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Commons 
1825年Standing orders of the House of Lords. 1825. Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Lords 
1767年State of a demand of Francis Redecker, Esq; counsellor of war; and John Rose, Esq; counsellor of justice to His Prussian Majesty; upon the crown of Great-Britain, for forage delivered into the King's Magazines at Paderborn, in the months of December, 1760, and of March and April, 1761. -
1764年State of the charitable loan, for the relief of the poor industrious tradesmen of the city of Dublin, who are supplied with the sum generally of four pounds, never less than forty shillings, (English) interest free, which is repaid weekly in forty weeks. -
1767年State of the demands of Baron G. H. A. de Scheither・・・ -
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