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1795年Supply without burthen; or, Escheat vice taxation: being a proposal for a saving in taxes by an extension of the law of escheat... Bentham, Jeremy 
1797年[Supply. Motion for; to be considered in a Committee of the whole House, 32. King's speech referred, and motion considered, 37 ・・・] -
1806年Sur la Banque de France, les causes de la crise qu'elle a eprouvee, les tristes effets qui en sont resultes, et les moyens d'en prevenir le retour; avec une theorie des banques. Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel 
1623年Symmachia: or, A trve-loves knot. Scott, Thomas 
1851年Système de politique positive, ou traité de sociologie, instituant la religion de l'humanité; par Auguste Comte...Comte, Auguste, 1798-1857.
1663年Systeme cosmicvm... in quo quatuor dialogis, de duobus maximis mundi systematibus, Ptolemaico & Copernicano, utriusque rationibus philosophicis ac naturalibus indefinitè propositis, differitur. ex Italica lingua Latine conversum, accessit appendix gemina, qua SS. Scripturæ dicta cum terrae mobilitate conciliantur...Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.
1960年4月30日T. C. クープマンスの「生産の分析」について筑井, 甚吉; TSUKUI, Jinkichi
1970年12月25日T. S. EliotのTradition and the Individual Talentに寄せて大谷, 喜明; OTANI, Yoshiaki
1970年3月25日T.S.エリオットの生涯と周辺大竹, 勝
1618年Ta twn moyswn eisodia. Adamson, John 
-Table I, exhibiting the financial situation of Great Britain, during a period of twenty years, supposing eleven millions to be borrowed annually・・・Table II, exhibiting a comparison of the increase of debt in each year by the new plan, beyond what would be incurred by the present plan... -
1726年Table of interest, discount, annuities, &c. Smart, John 
1804年Table of the present stamp duties applicable to Scotland; with the exemptions from, and regulations respecting, those duties; as also, the legal allowances, and drawback. -
1744年Table shewing the legal interest at 5 per cent. on the annual rates, &c. payable by the Ministers of the Church of Scotland, &c. -
1798年Table shewing the present amount of the assessed duties within mentioned, and the rates as proposed in the committee of the whole House, on Monday the 19th of March 1798. Gt. Brit. Custom Establishment 
1774年Tableau du ministere de Colbert・・・ Fabre de Charrin 
1760年Tables and schedules relative to the proposed consolidation of the customs. -
1787年Tables of the net duties payable, and drawbacks allowed on certain goods, wears and merchandize, imported, exported or carried coastwise. Mascall, Edward James, d. 
1790年Tables pour I'intelligence de la nouvelle carte de France, divisee en departmens et en districts. -
1813年Tables shewing the total charge of the public funded debt of Great Britain if it had been paid in standard coin from the year ending 1st Feburary 1804 to the year ending 1st of February 1813 ... -
検索結果表示: 3219 - 3238 / 11137
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