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1804年Table of the present stamp duties applicable to Scotland; with the exemptions from, and regulations respecting, those duties; as also, the legal allowances, and drawback. -
1744年Table shewing the legal interest at 5 per cent. on the annual rates, &c. payable by the Ministers of the Church of Scotland, &c. -
1798年Table shewing the present amount of the assessed duties within mentioned, and the rates as proposed in the committee of the whole House, on Monday the 19th of March 1798. Gt. Brit. Custom Establishment 
1774年Tableau du ministere de Colbert・・・ Fabre de Charrin 
1760年Tables and schedules relative to the proposed consolidation of the customs. -
1787年Tables of the net duties payable, and drawbacks allowed on certain goods, wears and merchandize, imported, exported or carried coastwise. Mascall, Edward James, d. 
1790年Tables pour I'intelligence de la nouvelle carte de France, divisee en departmens et en districts. -
1813年Tables shewing the total charge of the public funded debt of Great Britain if it had been paid in standard coin from the year ending 1st Feburary 1804 to the year ending 1st of February 1813 ... -
1813年Tables shewing the total charge of the public funded debt of Great Britain, including sinking fund as paid in bank notes from the year ending 1st of Feby. -
9999年Tabula oim operũ Diuini doctoris sancti Thome Aquiñ.Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274.
2001年3月25日Taiwan’s Economy Integrated and Articulated with Japanese Capitalism Throughout the 20th CenturyLIU, Shinkei; 劉, 進慶
1798年Tax upon income, as stated in Mr. Pitt's speech, on Monday, December 3, 1798. -
2001年3月20日Teaching and Testing Oral Communication Skills中村, 優治; バレンズ, マーク; NAKAMURA, Yuji; VALENS, Mark
1997年2月17日Teaching Spoken English and Cultural UnderstandingHONDA, Yoshinori; 本田, 喜範
-Terms of the public loans during the war. -
1707年Testament politique de Monsieur de Vauban, marechal de france, & premier ingenieur du roi. dans lequel ce seigneur donne les moiens d'augmenter considerablement les revenus de la couronne, par l'établissement d'une dixme royale; & suppression des impots, sans apprehension d'aucune revolution dans l'Etat ...Boisguillebert, Pierre le Pesant, sieur del, 1646-1714.
1799年Tests of the national wealth and finances of Great Britain in December, 1798. -
1765年The Act for permitting the free importation of cattle from Ireland, considered with a view to the interests of both kingdoms. -
1740年The Advantages and disadvantages which will attend the prohibition of the merchandizes of Spain, impartially examined and humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament. -
1729年The advantages of peace and commerce; with some remarks on the East-India trade. Defoe, Daniel 
検索結果表示: 3231 - 3250 / 11137
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