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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Terms of the public loans during the war. -
1707Testament politique de Monsieur de Vauban, marechal de france, & premier ingenieur du roi. dans lequel ce seigneur donne les moiens d'augmenter considerablement les revenus de la couronne, par l'établissement d'une dixme royale; & suppression des impots, sans apprehension d'aucune revolution dans l'Etat ...Boisguillebert, Pierre le Pesant, sieur del, 1646-1714.
1799Tests of the national wealth and finances of Great Britain in December, 1798. -
1765The Act for permitting the free importation of cattle from Ireland, considered with a view to the interests of both kingdoms. -
1740The Advantages and disadvantages which will attend the prohibition of the merchandizes of Spain, impartially examined and humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament. -
1729The advantages of peace and commerce; with some remarks on the East-India trade. Defoe, Daniel 
1706The advantages of Scotland by an incorporate union with England, compar'd with these [sic] of a coalition with the Dutch, of league with France. Defoe, Daniel 
1720The advantages of the East-India trade to England, consider'd. -
24-Feb-2010The American Lyceum : An Agency for the General Diffusion of Knowledge : From a Viewpoint of Lifelong Learning in an Age of ChangeHASHIMOTO, Mitsuhiro; 橋本, 満弘
1759The analysis of trade, commerce, coin, bullion, banks, and foreign exchanges. Cantillon, Philip. 
1719The anatomy of Exchange-Alley: or, A system of stock-jobbing. Defoe, Daniel 
1680The antient right of the Commons of England asserted; or, A discourse proving by records and the best historians, that the Commons of England were ever an essential part of Parliament. Petyt, William 
1663The antiquity, legality, reason, duty and necessity of praemption and pourveyance, for the king: or, Compositions for his pourveyance: as they were used and taken for the provisons of the kings household, the small charge and burthen thereof to the people. Philipps, Fabian 
1827The apology of an English landowner, addressed to the landed proprietors of the county of Oxford. Willoughby, Sir Henry Pollard, Bart. 
17-Feb-2021The Application of Suprasegmental Features of Pronunciation into the Classroom through the Timed-Pair-Practice Frameworkパイプ, ジェイソン; 対馬, 輝昭; PIPE, Jason; TSUSHIMA, Teruaki
1714The Assiento contract consider'd. Wood, William 
1801・・・The Assize of bread set this 27th day of January, 1801, by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, to take palce on Thursday next, the 29 to the 31st. That is to say・・・ J. Callendar [etc.] 
20-Mar-2001The Association for Asian Studies : 第52回全国大会報告徳座, 晃子; TOKUZA, Akiko
1783The authentic copy of the Duke of Richmond's bill, for a parliamentary reform. Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3d duke of 
1741The ax laid to the root of the corrupt tree: or, An essay on the hard case of the retale-traders, citizens, shop-keepers, &c. of the City of London. Blanch, N 
Showing results 3245 to 3264 of 11137
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