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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11150/1349

その他の識別子: 目録999
請求番号: 133.3 S52
著者: Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d earl of, 1671-1713.
タイトル: Characteristicks...
出版地: [London?]
出版者: [s.n.]
発行日: 1714
巻: 3v.
ページ数: V. 1. 2 p.l., 364p.; v. 2. 443p.; v. 3. 2 p.l., 391, [54]p.
注記: [Second edition] First collected edition 1711. Numbers 177-178 omitted in the paging of v. 2. Each volume and each treatise have special t.-p. General t.-p. wanting. Contents.-v. 1. A letter concerning enthusiasm. Sensus communis; an essay on the freedom of wit and humour. Solioquy, or advice to an author. 2 p.l., 364p.-v. 2. An inquiry concerning virtue and merit. The moralists; a philosophical rhapsody. 443p.-v. 3. Miscellaneous reflections on the said treatises, and other critical subjects. A notion of the historical draught, or tablature of the judgment of Hercules. Index. 2 p.l., 391,[54]p.
タイプ: Book
NII資源タイプ: Book


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