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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11150/1436

その他の識別子: 目録492
請求番号: 342.33 H68
著者: Hodges, James, fl., 1697-1706.
タイトル: The present state of England, as to coin and publick charges. in three parts. treating of the necessity of more money before taxes can be effectual, or trade revived, and of ways and means to procure it: as calling in all the plate on ready money; restoring credit; bringing out hoarded money: rectifying the ballance of trade; raising the value of money, against which the opposite prejudices, as injurious to king, parliament and people, with mr. lock's chief positions, are refuted by demonstrable reason and matter of fact. most humbly presented to the king and parliament, by J. H.
出版地: London
出版者: Printed for A. Bell
発行日: 1697
ページ数: xxviii, 340p.
注記: Dedication signed: James Hodges.
タイプ: Book
NII資源タイプ: Book


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