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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >
タイトル: | Return to an order of the honourable House of Commons, dated 15 February 1811; -for copies of any letters, that were written, from the Secretaries of the Treasury to the Commissioners of the Customs, in 1782 and 1783; communicating directions from the Lord Commissioners of the Treasury, for enforcing the laws against the exportation of coin; -viz. Copies of letters, dated 12 Spetember 1782. 9 August 1783. |
請求番号: | 137-30 |
著者: | Gt. Brit. Treasury. Rd. Wharton. |
出版地: | London |
発行日: | 1811 |
ページ数: | 2p. |
タイプ: | Book |
NII資源タイプ: | Book |
出現コレクション: | ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale