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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >
タイトル: | Letters concerning the trade and manufactures of Ireland, principally so far as the same relate to the making iron in this kingdom, and the manufacture and export of iron wares, in which certain facts and arguments set out by Lord Sheffield, in his Observations on the trade and present state of Ireland, are examined. |
請求番号: | 222-12 |
著者: | O'Brien, Sir Lucius Henry |
出版者: | John Stockdale |
出版地: | London |
発行日: | 1785 |
ページ数: | 71p. |
タイプ: | Book |
NII資源タイプ: | Book |
出現コレクション: | ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale