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137号 >

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タイトル: Observation on English Education in Nepal
著者: SEKI, Akinori
関, 昭典
抄録:  English speaking has evolved in Nepal gradually over the course of time frames, beginning from the Rana regime. Developing till current day, it has been incorporated into the mandatory school curriculum in order to help make students fluent in the language, facings major reforms along the way. The progression of English has been a gradual process, but it has been dissolved in everyday life of ordinary people as a necessity rather than a trait, with tourism being one of the major income sources for the country.   With English being a mandatory subject in school courses, it can be safe to assume that those children who have attended school have decent command over the language. The picture isn’t as rosy as it seems though, with the country having an average literacy rate of 54.1% and with school environment being far from enough. However, having adequate control over the language has become a job requirement in many fields leading to a generation enthusiastic to master it. Thus the language too has been a staple in their lives.   The report explores the development of English over the years and how it has had an effect on Nepalese daily culture, and vice versa. Many children in the country are deprived of education due to poor finances in the family, and often because families need extra hands to work and help support them. Female children are still largely kept from schooling, adding to the disruptions faced in language.
主題: Nepal
English education
出典: 人文自然科学論集 = The Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences
発行日: 2015年3月25日
出版者: 東京経済大学人文自然科学研究会
巻号: 137
開始頁: 7
終了頁: 24
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11150/7953
ISSN: 0495-8012


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