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貴重書 Library Rare Collection >
ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 1041 - 1060 / 3097
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1748年An Essay upon public credit. 3d ed. -
1748年Two letters on trade.  -
1748年English liberty in some cases worse than French slavery: exemplified by animadversions upon the tyrannical and anti-constitutional power of the justices of the peace, commissioners of excise, customs, and land-tax, &c. [Philalethes] pseud. 
1748年A Collection of tracts on several useful and interesting subjects, relating to publick affairs: necessary to be considered, especially at this present time. -
1748年The complaints of Dublin, humbly offered to His Excellency William, Earl of Harrington, Lord Lieutenant general, and General Governor of Ireland. Lucas, Charles 
1749年Considerations upon the white herring and cod fisheries: in which the design of carrying on and improving them, in the manner proposed by a society trading with a joint stock, is fully explained, and freed from all objections... Vernon, Edward 
1749年A brief essay on the advantages and disadvantages, which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade. Tucker, Josiah 
1749年Contract of copartnery of Edinburgh Whale-Fishing Company. Edinburgh Whale-Fishing Company. 
1749年Considerations upon a reduction of the land-tax. Nugent, Robert Craggs Nugent, Earl 
1749年Copy of a letter from a French lady at Paris. -
1749年An Authentic account of the whole conduct of the young Chevalier. 3d ed. -
1749年Considerations on the revival of the Royal-British-Assiento; between his Catholick-Majesty, and the honourable the South-Sea Company. Postlethwayt, Malachy 
1749年Three Letters to the proprietors of stock in the East-India Company, relative to the question to be ballotted for on Wednesday, January 3d, 1749. -
1749年The Wealth of Great Britain in the ocean, exemplified from materials laid before the committee of the House of Commons, appointed ... -
1749年Considerations on the trade to Africa. O'Connor, M. 
1749年A Detection of the proceedings and practices of the directors of the Royal African Company of England, from their first establishment by charter in the year 1672, to the present year 1748. -
1749年Papers presented to the Committee Appointed to Inquire into the State and Condition of the Countries adjoining Hudson's Bay, and of the trade carried on there. Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Commons. 
1749年Considerations on the trade to Africa. O'Connor, M. 
1749年[An] Antidote to expel the poison contained in an anonymous pamphlet, lately published, entitled, A detection of the proceedings and practices of the directors of the Royal African Company of England, &c. -
1749年A Defence of the Dutch, against the imputations of fraud, cruelty, and perfidiousness. -
検索結果表示: 1041 - 1060 / 3097
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