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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 1121 - 1140 / 3097
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1751年Seasonable advice to all smugglers of French cambricks and French lawns; with a brief state, from the Honourable commissioners of His Majestys customs, of smuggling in the year 1745; as also the destructive manner in which smuggling trade is carried on at present; and a remedy propos'd totally to suppress it. -
1751年Farther considerations upon a reduction of the land-tax: together with a state of the annual supplies of the sinking-fund, and of the national debt, at various future periods, and in various suppositions. Nugent, Robert Craggs Nugent, earl 
1751年An appeal to facts; regarding the home trade and inland manufactures of Great Britain and Ireland. -
1751年Some cautions concerning the copper coin. Parrott, Richard 
1751年National thoughts, recommended to the serious attention of the public. Townshend, Charles 
1751年Observations upon the state of the British manufactures of striped and checked linen, and of linen mixed with cotton. -
1752年A letter from a gentleman in Glasgow, to his friend in Edinburgh, concerning bank-notes and paper-credit, &c. -
1752年Proposals for carrying on certain public works in the city of Edinburgh. Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot, 2d bart. 
1752年The complaints of the manufacturers, relating to the abuses in marking the sheep, and winding the wool, fairly stated, and impartially considered, in a letter to the Marquiss [sic] of Rockingham Walpole, Horatio Walpole, baron 
1752年An account of six years residence in Hudson's-Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747. Robson, Joseph. 
1752年An impartial examination of a pamphlet, intitled, Considerations on several proposals lately made for the better maintenance of the poor: with some serious and occasional animadversions on this important subject. Creed, Sir James 
1752年Some considerations humbly offered to the publick, concerning the revenue of the customs, viz. on the present laws of importation, and exportation, to and from foreign parts, and coastways; setting forth wherein they are defective, and how evaded. -
1752年A dissertation on commerce. Belloni, Girolamo, marchese 
1752年An essay towards a natural history of the herring. Dodd, James Solas 
1752年A Method proposed to prevent the many robberies and villanies committed in and about the City of London; and for establishing a fund for the maintainance of the poor, without detriment to any individual. -
1752年The Practice of pawnbrokers proved to be injurious to trade, an encouragement to rogues, and destructive to society. -
1752年Some methods proposed towards putting a stop to the flagrant crimes of murder, robbery, and perjury; and for the more effectually preventing the pernicious consequences of gaming among the lower class of people. Jones, Charles 
1752年A Supplement to the proposal for increasing the number of inhabitants, the trade and riches of the city of Edinburgh. -
1752年Serious thoughts in regard to the publick disorders, with several proposals for remedying the same; particularly in respect to gaming, publick-houses, pawn-brokers, and receivers of stolen goods. -
1752年Serious thoughts in regard to the publick disorders, with several proposals for remedying the same; particularly in respect to gaming, publick-houses, pawn-brokers, and receivers of stolen goods. -
検索結果表示: 1121 - 1140 / 3097
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