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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 1201 - 1220 / 3097
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1755年Observations on the late and present conduct of the French, with regard to their encroachments upon the British colonies in North America. Clarke, William 
1755年Common sense: in a letter to a friend ... 4th ed., -
1755年The Man's mistaken, who thinks the taxes so grievous as to render the nation unable to maintain a war. -
1755年A philosophical and practical essay on the gold and silver mines of Mexico and Peru; containing the nature of the ore, and the manner of working the mines; the qualities and use of quicksilver; the cleansing and refining these metals: with many useful observations concerning the assay of metals, the manner of conveying them to Europe; and remarks on the gold mines in Hungary, and those of Asia and Africa. Hernandez, Jaime 
1755年The grand question debated: after the dialogistic manner of Lucian, whether it would be expedient to abolish the public debt. Aristarchus, pseud. 
1756年Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain. Keyssler, Johann George 
1756年An essay on ways and means for raising money for the support of the present war, without increasing the public debts. Fauquier, Francis 
1756年Observations on the method of growing of wool in Scotland, and proposals for improving the quality of our wool. Clerk-Maxwell, Sir George 
1756年Political observations, occasioned by the state of agriculture in the north of Scotland ... -
1756年Observations upon Mr Fauquier's Essay on ways and means for raising money to support the present war without increasing the public debts. Massie, Joseph 
1756年Farther explanations of some particular subjects, relating to trade, coin, and exchanges, contained in the universal merchant. Magen, Nikolaus 
1756年A charge delivered to the Grand Jury, at the quarter-sessions held at Durham, on Wednesday the 16th of July, 1740. Chandler, Edward bp. of Durham 
1756年A Letter from a member of Parliament, on the plate-tax. -
1756年Considerations upon a new place-tax. -
1756年An essay on the advantages and disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade. Mr. Josiah Tucker 4th ed. Tucker, Josiah 
1756年Caluculations of taxes for a family of each rank, degree or class: for one year. Massie, Joseph 
1756年Serious considerations on the several high duties which the nation in general, (as well as it's trade in particular) labours under: with a proposal for preventing the running of goods, discharging the trader from any search, and raising all the publick supplies, by one single tax. 7th ed. Decker, Sir Matthew bart. 
1756年La noblesse commercante. Coyer, Gabriel Francois 
1756年An essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade, consequently of the value of the lands of Britain, and on the means to restore both. Decker, Sir Matthew, bart. 
1756年A short state of the progress of the French trade and navigation: wherein is shewn, the great foundation that France has laid, by dint of commerce, to increase her maritime strength to a pitch equal, if not superior, to that of Great-Britain, unless some how checked by the wisdom of His Majesty's councils. Postlethwayt, Malachy 
検索結果表示: 1201 - 1220 / 3097
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