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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 1281 - 1300 / 3097
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1760年Observations relating to the coin of Great Britain; consisting partly of extracts from Mr Locke's Treatise concerning money, but chiefly of such additions thereto, as are thought to be very necessary at this juncture; not only for remedying the present great scarcity of silver, but for putting a stop to those losses which this nation suffers by the over-valuing of gold-money, and by prohibiting both the melting and exporting of British coin: whereunto is annexed, Sir William Petty's Quantulumcunque concerning money; reprinted from an edition that was printed for private use in the year 1695; and corrected by a manuscript copy of very good authority. Massie, Joseph 
1760年Considerations addressed to the nobility and gentlemen of the landed interest, to engage them to use their influence to have the prohibition of the distillery of malt spirits taken off in Scotland. -
1760年Journal de commerce, dedie a son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le prince Charles-Alexandre duc de Lorraine et de Bar. -
1760年Reasons humbly offered against laying any farther tax upon malt or beer; shewing that such a tax would not only cause great losses to the landholders of England, but be prejudicial to several branches of our manufacturies, and prove a pinch-belly tax to some hundred thousand families of labouring people: shewing also, that three years extraordinary supplies for war may be raised upon the exorbitant part of those prices which the sugar-planters have for above a year past obliged the people of Great Britain to pay for sugars. Massie, Joseph 
1760年An exact table of fees of the courts at Westminster, as they were delivered in to Parliament: together with those of the clerks of the peace of Middlesex and Surrey; the clerk of assize of the home-circuit; and of the cursitors office ... Gt. Brit. Courts. 
1760年A representation concerning the knowledge of commerce as a national concern; pointing out the proper means of promoting such knowledge in this kingdom. Massie, Joseph 
1760年Reasons humbly offered against. Massie, Joseph 
1760年The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. Franklin, Benjamin Richard Jackson 
1760年Reasons humbly offered against. Massie, Joseph 
1760年A dissertation on the chief obstacles to the improvement of land, and introducing better methods of agriculture throughout Scotland ... Grant, Sir Archibald, bart. 
1760年Paper-credit considered: particularly relative to the late failures of bankers and receivers in Ireland. -
1760年Money and trade considered: with a proposal for supplying the nation with money. Law, John 
1760年A Genuine state of the receipts and issues of the revenues of France, in 1740, 1741, 1742, and 1743. -
1760年The honour and advantage of agriculture. Feijoo y Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo 
1760年Consideration occasion'd by an act of this present session of Parliament. -
1760年Full answers to Mr. M---y's queries in defence of the malt-distillery; shewing it to be both a religious and political sin to distil spirits from corn. -
1760年Ministerial usurpation displayed, and the prerogatives of the crown, with the rights of Parliament and of the privay council, considered. Ruffhead, Owen 
1760年A discourse, by M. Rousseau of Geneva, which got the premium at the Academy of Dijon, on this question proposed by the said Academy, whether the revival of the arts and sciences has contributed to render our manners pure? Proving the negative Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 
1760年A List of the regiments which compose the present establishment of Ireland. -
1760年Memoires pour servir a l'histoire generale des finances. Par Mr. Deon de Beaumont. Eon de Beaumont, Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste Andre Timothee d' 
検索結果表示: 1281 - 1300 / 3097
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