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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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1695年An essay upon ways and means of supplying the war. Davenant, Charles 
1695年Essays on trade and navigation. Brewster, Sir Francis 
1695年A discourse of the general notions of money, trade, & exchanges, as they stand in relation each to other. Clement, Simon 
1695年A brief vindication of Mr. Percivall Brunskell's case. Brunskell, Percival 
1695年The debate at large, between the House of Lords and House of Commons, at the the free conference, held in the painted chamber, in the session of the convention, Anno 1688. Gt. Brit. Parliament, 1689. 
1695年An essay towards carrying on the present war against France and other publick occasions. Blackwell, John 
1695年Short observations on a printed paper, intituled, For encouraging the coining silver money in England, and after for keeping it here. Locke, John 
1695年Further considerations concerning raising the value of money. 2d ed. Locke, John 
1695年Further considerations concerning raising the value of money. Locke, John 
1695年Considerations requiring greater care for trade in England, and some expedients proposed. -
1695年A report containing an essay for the amendent of the silver coins. Lawndes, William 
1695年The mistaken advantage by raising of money, discovered in a letter to a friend. Cromarty, George Mackenzie, 1st earl of 
1695年The life of the famous John Baptist Colbert, late minister and secretary of State to Lewis XIV. Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras 
1696年Le grand banquier ou le livre des monnoyes etrangeres reduites en monnoyes de France... Barreme, Francois Bertrand 
1696年La France ruinee sous le regne de Louis XIV. Boisguillebert, Pierre le Pesant, sieur de 
1696年A perfect list of the several persons residenters in Scotland, who have subscribed as adventurers in the joynt = stock of the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies. Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies. 
1696年Proposals for national banks; whereby the profits on usury, tho [sic for the] reduc'd to three per cent. per annum. will supply his Majesty more plentifully than ever to carry on the war, exempt the nation from land taxes, great customs and excises, exceedingly promote trade and navigation, and give England many other very large advantages. -
1696年Several assertions proved, in order to create another species of money than gold and silver. Asgill, john 
1696年Reflexions sur le ridicule, et sur les moyens de l'eviter; ou sont representez les moeurs & les differens caracteres des personnes de ce siecle. Bellegarde, Jean Baptiste Morvan de 
1696年Some reflections on a pamphlet, intituled, England and East India inconsistent in their manufactures. Gardner, John 
検索結果表示: 181 - 200 / 3097
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