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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 261 - 280 / 3097
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1700年Of trade・・・also, of coyn. Bullion. Of improving our woollen manufacture. Pollexfen, John 
1700年Gt. Brit. Treaties, etc. 1694-1702 (William III) -
1700年The two great questions consider'd. Defoe, Daniel 
1700年The undoubted art of thriving; wherein is shewed, 1. That a million L. sterling money, of more if need bemay [sic] raised for propogating the trade of the nation, &c. Without any kind of prejudice to the leiges, but on the contrair to their great vtility and advantage. 2. How the Indian and African company may propogat their trade, and that trade and manufactures of all sorts may be encouraged to the honour, strength and wealth of the nation. 3. How every one according to his quality, may live comfortably and happily. Concluding with several thoughts tuching the management of publick concerns. Donaldson, James 
1700年An Essay for the raising a national fishery by the poor of England, without tax or money, that shall imploy and maintain all the poor, and growing poor of this nation for ever, and in less than five years, totally ease the publick from that grievous burden. -
1700年An Humble representation of the state of our woollen manufactures. -
1700年The Case of the forfeitures in Ireland fairly stated, with the reason that induced the protestants there to purchase them. 2d ed. -
1701年By-laws, constitutions, orders and rules, for the good government of the corporation of the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East-Indies, and for the better carrying on, and managing the trade of the said Company. -
1701年A vindication of the rights of the Commons of England. Mackworth, Sir Humphrey 
1701年Considerations upon the East-India trade Martin, Henry Charles Davenant Sir Dudly North. 
1701年A Vindication of the rights and prerogatives of the right honourable the House of Lords. -
1701年The free=holders plea against stock-jobbing elections of Parliament men. Defoe, Daniel 
1701年The Last will and codicil of Charles II. Carlos II, King of Spain 
1701年Arcana imperii detecta: or, Divers select cases in government. Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius 
1701年The Duke of Anjou's succession considered, as to its legality and consequences; with reflections on the French King's memorial to the Dutch. -
1701年Proposals & reasons for constituting a council of trade. Paterson, William 
1701年Anglia libera; or, The limitation and succession of the Crown of England explain'd and asserted; as grounded on His Majesty's speech; the procedings in Parlament; the desires of the people, the safety of our religion; the nature of our Constitution; the balance of Europe; and the rights of all mankind. Toland, John 
1701年An essay on ways and means to maintain the honour and safety of England, to encrease trade, merchandize, navigation, shipping, marriners and sea-men, in war of peace: written by Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt. Digges, Thomas 
1702年A Treasury for dealers, or The merchant, cash keeper, masters, owners of ships, freighters, factors, mariner, and notary publick's, best instructor and companion, in three parts. -
1702年The Spanish rule of trade to the West=Indies; containing an account of the Casa de Contratacion, or India-house, its government, laws, ordinances, officers, and jurisdiction... Veitia Linaje, Jose de 
検索結果表示: 261 - 280 / 3097
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