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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 621 - 640 / 3097
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1727年Plan by the Commissioners and trustees for improving fisheries and manufactures in Scotland, for the application of their funds. Gt. Brit. Board of Trustees for Manufactures 
1727年Plan by the commissioners and trustees for proving fisheries and manufactures in Scotland, the application of their funds.application of their funds. Gt. Brit. Board of Trustees for Manufactures. 
1727年A state of the national debt, as it stood December the 24th, 1716. Bath, William Pulteney. 1st earl of 
1727年An essay on the publick debts of this kingdom. 4th ed. Gould, Sir Nathaniel 
1727年A treatise of the laws of nature. Cumberland, Richard, bp. of Peterborough 
1727年Reasons for improving the fisheries, and linnen manufacture of Scotland ... -
1727年A speech against Sir R----- W------'s proposal for increasing the civil list revenue: as it was sopken in the House of Commons, July 3. 1727. Shippen, William 
1727年A brief deduction of the original, progress, and immense greatness of the British woolen manufacture: with an enquiry whether it be not at present in a very declining condition: the reasons of its decay; and the only means of its recovery. Defoe, Daniel 
1727年Remarks on a late book, intitled, An essay of the publick debts of this kingdom, &c. -
1727年Parochial tyranny: or, The house-keeper's complaint against the insupportable exactions, and partial assessments of select vestries, &c. Defoe, Daniel 
1727年The Devil drove out of the warping-bar; or, The snap-reel snap'd. -
1727年A treatise of beneficiary matters: or, A history of ecclesiastical benefices and revenues・・・ Sarpi, Paolo 
1728年An historical account of the old people's hospital, commonly called, the Trinity Hospital in Edinburgh; also, proposals how to raise a fond [sic] for the maintenance of windows and orphans, under the title of a charity-bank. Gairdner, Andrew 
1728年An estimate of places for life: shewing how many years purchase a place for life is worth. Hayes, Richard 
1728年A Defence of the observations on the Assiento trade, as it hath been exercised by the South-Sea Company, &c. -
1728年Some considerations on the nature and importance of the East-India trade. -
1728年Some observations on the Assiento trade, as it hath been exercised by the South-Sea Company; proving the damage, which will accrue, thereby to the British commerce and plantations in America, and particularly to Jamaica., 2d ed. -
1728年An Answer to a calumny: with some remarks upon an anonimous [sic]pamphlet address'd to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, entitled Some observations on the Aseeiento trade, as it has been exercised by the South-Sea Company, &c. -
1728年A Method for the regular management of those societies, call'd box-clubs. -
1728年Two treatises of government: in the former, the false principles and foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and his followers, are detected and overthrown. Locke, John 
検索結果表示: 621 - 640 / 3097
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