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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 681 - 700 / 3097
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1731年The national debt as it stood at Michaelmas 1730. Hammond, Anthony 
1731年The trade and navigation of Great-Britain considered: shewing, that the surest way for a nation to increase in riches, is to prevent the importation of such foreign commodities as may be rais'd at home... 3d ed. Gee, Joshua, merchant. 
1731年A Letter from a hawker and pedlar in the country, to a member of Parliament at London... -
1731年Some remarks on the conduct of the parliament of England, as far as it relates to the woollen manufacture: with some animadversions on the Free Briton's remarks on a pamphlet entitled, Observations on the present state of Ireland. Egmont, John Perceval, 2d earl of 
1731年The reasonableness of church and college fines asserted. 2d ed. Gally, Henry 
1731年Proposals for preventing the running of wool, and encouraging the woollen manufacture. -
1731年The state of the woollen manufactures considered: the reasons of its present declension assigned; and a method propos'd to retrieve it. Ward, Benjamin 
1731年Observation on the bill now depending in the House of Lords, with relation to the woollen manufacture. By a clothier. Blanch, John 
1731年Some thoughts on the woollen manufactures of England: in a letter from a clothier to a member of Parliament. Bindon, David 
1731年Some observations on the present state of Ireland, particularly with relation to the woollen manufacture. Egmont, John Perceval, 2d earl of 
1731年The Cases of some English ships taken by the Spaniards. -
1732年The Genuine thoughts of a merchant: shewing, that in all the libels, remonstrances, and pretended letters against A new method of levying the duties on tobacco and wine, there is not so much as one word worth answering. -
1732年A Letter to a country gentleman on the revival of the salt duty. -
1732年Select tracts relating to colonies. Sir Francis Bacon Niccolo Machiavelli John De Witt William Penn Josiah Child 
1732年Select tracts relating to colonies. An essay on plantations. Some passages taken out of the History of Florence, A treatise. The benefit of plantations or colonies. A discourse concerning plantations. Sir Francis Bacon Niccolo Machiavelli John de witt William Penn Josiah Child 
1732年An infallible scheme to pay the publick debt of this nation in six months. Pilkington, Matthew 
1732年A letter to a freeholder, on the late reduction of the land tax to one shilling in the pound. Arnall, William 
1732年The case of the revival of the salt duty, fully stated and considered; with some remarks on the present state of affairs. Bath, William Pulteney, 1st earl of 
1732年Proposals for a regulation, or an entire suppression, of pawn-brokers. -
1732年Some considerations humbly offer'd upon the bill now depending in the House of Lords, relating to the trade between Northern Colonies and Sugar-Islands. -
検索結果表示: 681 - 700 / 3097
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