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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 721 - 740 / 3097
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1733年The Right of British subjects, to petition and apply to their representatives, asserted and vindicated. -
1733年The landed interest consider'd: being serious advice to gentlemen, yeomen, farmers, and others, concerned in the ensuing election. Yeoman of Kent 
1733年The second part of An argument against excises; in answer to the objections of several writers; especially with regard to that part of the subject, which relates to the power and conduct of the commissioners and officers of excise. [Amhurst, Nicholas] 
1733年An impartial enquiry into the late conduct of the city of London, relating to the Excise-bill. Common-Council-man 
1733年A Discourse on trade; more particularly on sugar and tobacco: shewing, the true and natural means of their support, and the unreasonableness of depending upon the legislature for their relief. -
1733年A Scheme or proposal for taking off the several taxes on land, soap, starch・・・ -
1733年Reflections on the present conduct of the populace, relating to the government. Polhill, Nathaniel 
1733年The Political state of Great Britain for the month of October, 1733. -
1733年A Candid answer to A letter from a member of Parliament to his friends in the country, concerning the duties on wine and tobacco・・・ -
1733年A Letter from the mayor of the antient borough of Guzzle-Down, to Sir Francis Wronghead [i. e. Sir Robert Walpole], their R――ve in P――t. -
1733年A Collection of letters from several counties, cities and boroughs. -
1733年Some seasonable animadversions on excises: occasion'd by a pamphlet lately publish'd, entituled, Considerations occasion'd by the Craftman・・・ -
1733年Interest of the compound distiller consider'd. Brown, J. 
1733年An Humble address to the people of England.  -
1733年A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain, particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. Budgell, Eustace 
1733年The sturdy beggars. A new ballad opera. Humbly dedicated to the Right Honourable, and Right Worshipful, the Lord-Mayor・・・ Civicus, pseud. 
1733年The State juggler: or, Sir Politick Ribband. A new excise opera. N. B. 3d ed. -
1733年Observations upon the laws of excise: shewing I. That excises must be destructive of trade in general. II. That excises are inconsistent with the liberties of a free people. -
1733年A dialogue between Sir Andrew Freeport and Timothy Squat, Esquire, on the subject of excises. Freeport, Andrew, Sir 
1733年Excise anatomiz'd Declaring that unequal imposition of excise to be the only cause of the ruin trade, the universal impovererishment, and destructive to the liberties of the whole nation. G., Z. 
検索結果表示: 721 - 740 / 3097
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