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貴重書 Library Rare Collection >
ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 801 - 820 / 3097
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1735年A treatise relating to the art of framework-knitting; being an address to all persons concerned in that employment; wherein, amongst other remarks never before so much as hinted to the publick, the reasons are made evident to demonstration, why the trade is at present at so low an ebb; and an easy method is proposed... Colvert, Joseph 
1735年Some thoughts worthy the serious attention of the greatest men, on the woollen manufacturies of England. Webber, Samuel 
1735年Essai politique sur le commerce. Melon, Jean Francois 
1735年A collection of political tracts. Robe, Thomas 
1736年The querist, containing several queries, proposed to the consideration of the public. [Berkeley, George] bp. of Cloyne, 
1736年A letter from a member of Parliament to his friend in the country, containg, his reasons for being against the late act for preventing the retail of spirituous liquors; in which the great increase of the civil list by this act will be particularly consider'd. -
1736年A vindication of a pamphlet lately published, intituled The tryal of the spirits. Holden, Adam 
1736年A Collection of letters published in the daily papers relating to the British distillery. -
1736年The trial of the spirits: or, Some considerations upon the pernicious consequences of the gin-trade to Great-Britain (as it is destructive of the health and lives of His Majesty's subjects; and as it aftects the trade, manufactures and landed interest of this island) 2d ed. Holden, Adam 
1736年Distilled spirituous liquors the bane of the nation: being some considerations humbly offer'd to the legislature.2d ed Wilson, Thomas 
1736年An Impartial enquiry into the present state of the British distillery; plainly demonstrating the evil consequences of imposing any additional duties on British spirits. -
1736年The interest of Scotland considered, with regard to its police in employing of the poor, its agriculture, its trade, its manufacutures, and fisheries... Lindsay, Patrick 
1736年Ways and means to raise the value of land: or, The landlord's companion: with political discourses on the land-tax, war, and other subjects, occasionally intermixed Allen, William 
1736年A Letter from a member of Parliament to his friend in the country, containing, his reasons for being against the late act for preventing the retail of spirituous liquors; in which the great increase of the Civil list by this act will be particularly consider'd. -
1736年An Essay on the Sinking Fund. -
1736年The Rates of merchandize, inwards and outwards. -
1736年Occasional remarks upon the act for laying a duty upon the retalers of spirituous liquors &c. and for licensing the retalers thereof... -
1736年Distilled spirituous liquors the bane of the nation: being some considerations humbly offer'd to the legislature. Wilson, Thomas 
1736年The True way of evading the gin act: and the vast advantages that will attend the evasion of it. -
1736年An Appendix containing, forms of informations and judicial proceedings on the Act of Excise. -
検索結果表示: 801 - 820 / 3097
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