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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 881 - 900 / 3097
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1740年Essays and observations on the following subjects. Royal Dublin Society 
1740年A treaties upon money, coins, and exchange, in regart both to theory and practice: giving a full and particular account of the nature and origin of that most useful and intricate part of commerce. Hewitt, John 
1740年[An] account of a scheme for preventing the exportation of our wool, where the particulars of it are set forth... Webber, Samuel 
1740年England's last shift: or The only effectual method to prevent the clandestine exportation of wool, by which means alone, the nation is to be preserved from inevitable ruin ... Bridges, George 
1740年Some considerations on the importance of the woollen manufactures, by which will appear, the necessity of immediately putting an effectual stop to the carrying off our wool unmanufactured to France. London, John, d. 
1740年The draper confuted; or, A candid and impartial, but full answer to The consequences of trade: humbly offer'd to the consideration of both houses of Parliament. By a friend to the government Webster, William 
1740年A collection of papers and other tracts, written occasionally on various subjects. Keith, Sir William, bart 
1740年The speech of the Right Honourable A---r O---w, Esq; S---r of the Hon---ble H--se of C----ns; at the bar of the H--se of P---rs, upon presenting the money-b--ls to His M-----y, April 29,1740. Onslow, Arthur 
1740年further display'd: being a supplement to Consideratins on the American trade. Don John 
1740年The Present state of the revenues and forces, by sea and land, of France and Spain. -
1740年The Advantages and disadvantages which will attend the prohibition of the merchandizes of Spain, impartially examined and humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament. -
1740年The consequences of trade, as to the wealth and strength of any nation; of the woollen trade in particular, and the great superiority of it over all other branches of trade. 2d ed. Webster, William 
1740年Two letters to Mr. wood, on the coin and currency in the Leeward Islands, &c. -
1740年The present state of the British and French sugar colonies, and our own northern colonies, considered. Perrin, William 
1740年Some reflections upon the administration of government Pagett, Thomas Catesby, baron 
1740年The Rights of British subjects to elect their own representatives, asserted: proving, from the most eminent historians, the antient usage, and the necessity of the frequency of Parliaments, the freedom of elections, and the fatal consequences which have attended those princes of their ministers, who have invaded either -
1740年The Fitness of repealing the Septennial act at this juncture consider'd: in a latter from an elector to a member of Parliament. -
1740年The Present state of the national debt: with remarks on the nature of our public funds, and the uses which a large national debt may be of to a sole M - r. -
1740年A Vindication of the honour and privileges of the Commons of Great-Britain. -
1740年An Impartial enquiry into the properties of places and pensions, as they affect the Constitution. -
検索結果表示: 881 - 900 / 3097
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