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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 961 - 980 / 3097
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1744年An essay presented; or A method humbly proposed, to the consideration of the Honourable the members of both Houses of Parliament: by an English woolen manufacturer, to pay the national debts, without a new tax, to inlarge trade in general, by reviving and securing for time to come, the British woolen exportation trade, and preventing the running of brandy, tea, &c. in; and to improve all waste uncultivated lands, within His Majesty's British dominions. Webb, Daniel 
1744年The report of the deputies of the Council of Trade, in France, to the Royal Council, concerning the commerce of that nation to their American islands, Guinea, the Levant, Spain, England, Holland, and the North; the raising the nominal value of the coin, and the effect that has upon commerce; the prejudice the public suffers by monopolies; the erecting of exclusive companies; and other chief points of trade. France. Conseil general du commerce. 
1744年The State of the national debt, as it stood Dec. 31, 1742, and on Dec. 31, 1743, -
1744年An essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade, consequently of the value of the lands of Britain, and on the means to restore both. Decker, Sir Matthew, bart. 
1744年Some considerations on the present state of Scotland: in a letter to the Commissioners and Trustees for Improving Fisheries and Manufactures. Forbes, Duncan 
1744年Anno regni Georgii II. regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo septimo. Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc., 1727-1760 (George II) 
1744年A supplement to The state of our wool and woollen trade reviewed, &c. Being a further defence (chiefly historical) of a scheme (which has been humbly presented to Parliament) for preventing the clandestine exportation wool from Great Britain and Ireland both. Smith, John 
1744年A compleat system of the revenue of Ireland, in its several branches of import, export, and inland duties. Bacon, Thomas, of the Custom-House, Dublin 
1744年An Apology for the business of pawn-broking. pawn-broker [pseud.] 
1744年Of the use and abuse of Parliaments; in two historical discourses, vis. I. A general view of government in Europe. II. A detection of the Parliaments of England, from the year 1660. Ralph, James 
1744年Pro commodo regis & populi. -
1744年Serious considerations on the high duties examin'd: address'd to Sir Matthew Decker, Horsley, William 
1744年Serious considerations on the several high duties which the nation in general, (as well as it's trade in particular) labours under: with a proposal for preventing the running of goods, discharging the trader from any search, and raising all the publick supplies by one single tax. 3d. ed Decker, Sir Matthew, bart. 
1744年A treatise on maritime affairs: or, A comparison between the commerce and naval power of England and France. Horsley, William 
1744年Dutch policy: or, The only means of growing high and mighty both by sea and land, without any regard to the ballance of power in Europe. -
1744年An account of the numbers of men able to bear arms in the provinces and towns of France, taken by the King's orders in 1743. Carte, Thomas 
1745年The danger of Great Britain and Ireland becoming provinces to France: or, A short view of the British products, compared with those of France; by which it will most evidently appear, that the fleets and armies of France, are ... -
1745年The Present state of Scotland consider'd: and its declining and sinking condition charges upon the conduct of the landed gentlemen, &c. -
1745年The origin and antiquity of our English weights and measures discover'd. 2d ed. Greaves, John 
1745年A Short view of the advantages which probably may arise from the scheme for encouraging flax-husbandry in Ireland. -
検索結果表示: 961 - 980 / 3097
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